Notice: Undefined index: user in /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php on line 108

Notice: Undefined index: session_id in /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php on line 108

Notice: Undefined index: user in /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php on line 126

Notice: Undefined index: session_id in /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php on line 131

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php on line 278

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php on line 279

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /mambots/system/jfdatabase.systembot.php on line 280

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /includes/joomla.php on line 1415

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /index.php on line 226

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /index.php on line 227

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /index.php on line 228

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /index.php on line 229

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /mambots/system/SMF_header_include.php:108) in /index.php on line 230
KINDERBALL PORTÁL - Joomleague névjegye



Notice: Undefined index: user in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 90

Notice: Undefined offset: 34 in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 193

Notice: Undefined index: current_time in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 201

Notice: Undefined offset: 35 in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 206
Notice: Undefined offset: 36 in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 207

Notice: Undefined index: smf52 in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 216

Notice: Undefined offset: 315 in /modules/mod_smf_login.php on line 228

Média támogatóink

JoomLeague Information

JoomLeague is the new Leaguemanager with integrated Betting Game for Joomla! 1.0.x

Based on "lgmngr" for Mambo CMS this component was adapted, improved and extended by me and by energetic assistance of the Joomla! Community.
JoomLeague is the ideal extension for the administration of the association homepage or addition of your fan side. By the flexible organization JoomLeague is not limited to a certain kind of sport, but flexibly applicable.

The Tip Game offers an excellent possibility to reach new users. By the integration in Joomla! all existing users can participate, without having to use separate entrance data.

Although JoomLeague already offers a quantity, the development is not naturally to be frozen. Rather, the speed of the development is affected considerably by your participation. Thus, if you can contribute something to the improvement or extension of JoomLeague, you should also do.

You find further information and a forum, in which you can participate actively, on the official JoomLeague homepage!

JoomLeague Logo


Szerző: Robert Moss
E-Mail: Kapcsolat űrlap
Internet cím:



Fejlesztő: GuckyMofeMike (LMO-Import)
Fordító: English (Dirk und Arlett),
Logo tervező: cg design (Carsten Grob)
Használt ikonok: Silk Icons (Mark James)

:: Powered by JoomLeague - Version 0.85 ::

Joomla egy nyílt forráskódú rendszer, mely a GNU/GPL Licensz alatt áll.

Oldal nyelve




Látogatók száma


Tagok: 281
Hírek: 88
Linkek: 5
Látogatók: 233888

