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14.1 More on Point-to-Point Communication

In Chapter 13, you were introduced to point-to-point communication, the communication between a pair of cooperating processes. The two most basic commands used for point-to-point communication are MPI_Send and MPI_Recv. Several variations on these commands that can be helpful in some contexts are described in this section.

14.1.1 Non-Blocking Communication

One major difference among point-to-point commands is how they handle buffering and the potential for blocking. MPI_Send is said to be a blocking command since it will wait to return until the send buffer can be reclaimed. At a minimum, the message has to be copied into a system buffer before MPI_Send will return. Similarly, MPI_Recv blocks until the receive buffer actually contains the contents of the message. MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv

Although more complicated to use, non-blocking versions of MPI_Send and MPI_Recv are included in MPI. These are MPI_Isend and MPI_Irecv. (The "I" denotes an immediate return.) With the non-blocking versions, the communication operation is begun or, in the parlance, a message is posted. At some later point, the program must explicitly complete the operation. Several functions are provided to complete the operation, the simplest being MPI_Wait and MPI_Test.

MPI_Isend takes the same arguments as MPI_Send with one exception. MPI_Isend has had one additional parameter at the end of its parameter list. This is a request handle, an opaque object that is used in future references to this message exchange. That is, the handle identifies the pending operation. (Handles are of type MPI_Request.) In MPI_Irecv the status parameter, which is now found in MPI_Wait, has been replaced by a request handle. Otherwise, the parameters to MPI_Irecv are the same as MPI_Recv. MPI_Wait

MPI_Wait takes two arguments. The first is the request handle just described; the second is a status variable, which contains the same information and is used in exactly the same way as in MPI_Recv. MPI_Wait blocks until the operation identified by the request handle completes. When it returns, the request handle is set to a special constant, MPI_REQUEST_NULL, indicating that there is no longer a pending operation associated with the request handle.

Code for MPI_Irecv and MPI_Wait might look something like this fragment:


int datum1, datum2;

MPI_Status status;

MPI_Request handle;


if (processId = = 0)


   MPI_Send(&datum1, 1, MPI_INT, 1, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle);





   MPI_Irecv(&datum2, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &handle);


   MPI_Wait(&handle, &status);



In this example, the contents of datum1 are received in datum2. As shown here, it is OK to mix blocking and non-blocking commands. For example, you can use MPI_Send to send a message that will be received by MPI_Irecv as shown in the example. MPI_Test

MPI_Test is a non-blocking alternative to MPI_Wait. It takes three arguments: the request handle, a flag, and a status variable. If the exchange is complete, the value returned in the flag variable is true, the request handle is set to MPI_REQUEST_NULL, and the status variable will contain information about the exchange. If the flag is still set to false, then the exchange hasn't completed, the request variable is unchanged, and the status variable is undefined. MPI_Iprobe

If you want to check up on messages without actually receiving them, use MPI_Iprobe. (There is also a blocking variant called MPI_Probe.) MPI_Iprobe can be called multiple times without actually receiving the message. Once you know the exchange has finished, you can use MPI_Test or MPI_Wait to actually receive the message. MPI_Iprobe takes five arguments: the rank of the source, the message tag, the communicator, a flag, and a status object. If the flag is true, the message has been received and the status object can be examined. If false, the status is undefined. MPI_Cancel

If you have a pending, non-blocking communication operation, it can be aborted with the MPI_Cancel command. MPI_Cancel takes a request handle as its only argument. You might use MPI_Cancel in conjunction with MPI_Iprobe. If you don't like the status information returned by MPI_Iprobe, you can use MPI_Cancel to abort the exchange. MPI_Sendrecv and MPI_Sendrecv_replace

If you need to exchange information between a pair of processes, you can use MPI_Sendrecv or MPI_Sendrecv_replace. With the former, both the send and receive buffers must be distinct. With the latter, the received message overwrites the sent message. These are both blocking commands.

While these examples should give you an idea of some of the functions available, there are other point-to-point functions not described here. For example, there is a set of commands to create and manipulate persistent connections similar to communication ports (MPI_Send_init, MPI_Start, etc.). You can specify dummy sources and destinations for messages (MPI_PROC_NULL). There are variants on MPI_Wait and MPI_Test for processing lists of pending communication operations (MPI_Testany, MPI_Testall, MPI_Testsome, MPI_Waitany, etc.) Additional communication modes are also supported: synchronous-mode communication and ready-mode communication.

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