File | Size | Date/time | Artist | Title | Year | Album | Comment | Length | Bi.. | C.. | S.. |
The_Flowers_of_Manches.mp3 | 2.6 | 03.02.06 02:13:33 | Terry Mechan | The Flowers of Manchester | | | | 0:02:46 | 128 | S | 44 |
England - English Soccer Anthem.mp3 | 3.4 | 02.01.28 19:25:54 | Manchester United | English Soccer Anthem - Move M | | | magicfeet | 0:03:37 | 128 | S | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_04_By The Danger | 2.9 | 01.01.25 08:25:27 | My Bloody Valentine | By The Danger In Your Eyes (Li | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:03:02 | 128 | S | 44 |
SRc05_Manchester_Oval.mp3 | 2.9 | 02.12.23 14:28:59 | Simon Rue | Manchester Oval | | SRc 05 - det som inte blev sagt | | | | | |
SquidIntl-04-Manchester_1989.mp3 | 1.5 | 03.01.30 17:43:48 | Squid Int'l | Manchester, 1989 | 2003 | IPOEP | Copyright 2003 the Loss Foundati | 0:03:15 | 64 | M | 44 |
Ween - Rc4 - 13 - Sarah - Manchester | 3.6 | 03.06.29 00:41:59 | | | | | | 0:03:03 | 160 | S | 44 |
Triptan_Junky_-_Manchester_Rain.mp3 | 3.9 | | Triptan Junky | Manchester Rain | 2002 | | | 0:04:09 | 128 | S | 44 |
07 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Mout | 4.8 | 02.06.28 22:53:34 | Bush | Mouth Remix (live) | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | recorded from real audio to mini | 0:05:03 | 128 | S | 44 |
Trio_Manchester_A_G3_mono.mp3 | 1.7 | 01.03.30 18:57:40 | | | | | | 0:04:15 | 56 | M | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_04_-_Pi | 7.1 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 04 - Piano Quartet in c minor, | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:08:32 | | | |
Rush-Xanadu(live-prerelease).mp3 | 10.0 | 01.12.04 21:37:22 | Rush | Xanadu (live-prerelease) | 1977 | live prerelease 6-2-77 | Live in Manchester. Along with | 0:10:30 | 128 | S | 44 |
Comeonyoureds_94.mp3 | 3.3 | 02.08.20 13:40:28 | Manchester United Squad '94 | Come On You Reds | 1994 | | | 0:03:31 | 128 | S | 44 |
03 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Warm | 4.1 | 02.06.28 23:05:06 | Bush | Warm Machine (Live) | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:04:21 | 128 | S | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_03_Lovelee Sweet | 2.4 | 01.01.25 08:24:39 | My Bloody Valentine | Lovelee Sweet Darlene (Live) | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:02:30 | 128 | S | 44 |
04 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Gree | 4.6 | 02.06.28 23:07:32 | Bush | Greedy Fly (live) | 2000 | Manchester gig 3-8-00 | recorded from real audio to mini | 0:04:49 | 128 | S | 44 |
Cruel_120601.mp3 | 9.3 | 01.12.13 21:50:34 | Tori Amos | Cruel | 2001 | Manchester 6-Dec-2001 | CSB->D8(mic)->SBLive(line-in)->C | | | | |
El Mannion - Unlive In Manchester Tr | 6.9 | 03.12.18 18:14:21 | el mannion | unlive in manchester - part 4 | 2003 | | | 0:07:12 | 128 | S | 44 |
04 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Gree | 4.6 | 02.06.28 23:07:32 | Bush | Greedy Fly (live) | 2000 | Manchester gig 3-8-00 | recorded from real audio to mini | 0:04:49 | 128 | S | 44 |
El Mannion - Unlive In Manchester Tr | 10.0 | 03.12.18 18:14:30 | | | | | | 0:10:29 | 128 | S | 44 |
10 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - The | 5.1 | 02.06.28 22:51:02 | Bush | The Chemicals Between Us (Live | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:05:19 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Music_Festival_-_01_-_Con | 17.3 | | Manchester Music Festival | 01 - Concerto in C Major - Opu | | | | 0:18:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
Ericcantona.mp3 | 3.9 | 02.05.17 06:53:58 | The Music Men | Eric Cantona | | The Song Of Manchester United - | Eric is the King...http://redsky | 0:04:07 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester United - Song For The Cha | 3.5 | 02.01.28 19:17:54 | | | | | | 0:03:44 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester2001.mp3 | 3.3 | 02.03.11 20:55:40 | Mark Knopfler | Manchester July 19 2001 | | Wag The Dog, WII, Junkie Doll | http://www.knopfler. | 0:03:29 | 128 | S | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_01_We're So Beau | 2.6 | 01.01.25 08:24:07 | My Bloody Valentine | We're So Beautiful (Live) | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:02:46 | 128 | S | 44 |
09 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Ever | 5.4 | 02.06.28 22:48:21 | Bush | Everything Zen (Live) | 2000 | Manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:05:42 | 128 | S | 44 |
13 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Glyc | 4.4 | 02.06.28 23:12:19 | Bush | Glycerine (Live w/ Rock ending | 2000 | manchester 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:04:40 | 128 | S | 44 |
Girl_Nobody_-_Manchester_66.mp3 | 3.2 | | Girl Nobody | Manchester '66 | | | | 0:03:21 | 128 | S | 44 |
El Mannion - Unlive In Manchester Tr | 3.2 | 03.12.18 18:14:07 | el mannion | unlive in manchester - track 2 | 2003 | | | 0:03:21 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_01_-_Pi | 8.3 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 01 - Piano Quartet in c minor, | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:09:58 | 112 | S | 44 |
Shootingstar.mp3 | 2.9 | 02.05.17 06:53:56 | Universal | Cantona, Cantona (No.7 Shootin | | The Song Of Manchester United - | Eric au revior.. | 0:03:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
05 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Inse | 4.5 | 02.06.28 23:09:56 | Bush | Insect Kin (Live) | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | recorded from real audio to mini | 0:04:42 | 128 | S | 44 |
01 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Mach | 3.3 | 02.06.28 23:18:25 | Bush | Machinehead (live) | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from realaudio to minidi | 0:03:26 | 128 | S | 44 |
Loon01-grade3-manchester-2nd.mp3 | 4.3 | 01.09.18 01:13:50 | | | | | | 0:04:29 | 128 | S | 44 |
Soccer - MAN U Anthem.mp3 | 3.4 | 00.08.27 20:36:54 | Manchester United | English Soccer Anthem - Move M | | | | 0:03:37 | 128 | S | 44 |
Justcant.mp3 | 2.9 | 01.10.02 17:53:20 | Erasure | Just Cant get enough -live | 1997 | manchester Achademy | | 0:03:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
02 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Dise | 4.3 | 02.06.28 23:20:33 | Bush (live) | Disease of the Dancing Cats | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:04:29 | 128 | S | 44 |
RealMen_120601.mp3 | 9.0 | 01.12.31 17:05:40 | Tori Amos | Real Men | 2001 | Manchester 6-Dec-2001 | CSB->D8(mic)->SBLive(line-in)->C | | | | |
Navigators_of_the_Flat_Earth_-_Manch | 4.1 | | Navigators of the Flat Earth | Manchester Way | | | | 0:04:18 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester United - Glory Glory Man | 2.7 | 02.01.28 19:21:26 | | | | | | 0:02:53 | 128 | S | 44 |
Vivaldi_Manchester_III.mp3 | 2.3 | 02.10.31 17:02:00 | | | | | | 0:03:56 | 80 | M | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_05_No Place To G | 3.0 | 01.01.25 08:26:18 | My Bloody Valentine | No Place To Go (Live) | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:03:08 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_05_-_Jo | 6.3 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 05 - Joaquin Turina: Piano qu | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:07:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_07_Sunny Sunday | 2.3 | 01.01.25 08:27:40 | My Bloody Valentine | Sunny Sunday Smile (Live) | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:02:27 | 128 | S | 44 |
06 - Bush - Manchester - 3-8-00 - Sp | 4.8 | 02.06.28 23:22:56 | Bush | Spacetravel w/ Gwen (Live) | 2000 | manchester live 3-8-00 | recorded from real audio to mini | 0:05:01 | 128 | S | 44 |
Cover22.mp3 | 2.9 | 03.02.04 19:24:02 | Erasure | Just Can't Get Enough | 1997 | Live Manchester Apollo 13 Dec | | 0:03:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
08 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Lett | 4.7 | 02.06.28 22:56:04 | Bush | Letting the Cables Sleep (Live | 2000 | Manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:04:58 | 128 | S | 44 |
Rockland01-grade3-Manchester-2nd.mp3 | 3.4 | 01.09.07 19:55:05 | | | | | | 0:03:37 | 128 | S | 44 |
El Mannion - Unlive In Manchester Tr | 6.8 | 03.12.18 18:14:03 | el mannion | unlive in manchester - track 1 | 2003 | | | 0:07:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
Melissa_Manchester_01_Theme_From_Ice | 4.0 | 03.02.21 02:18:49 | Melissa Manchester | Theme From Ice Castles(Through | | ICE CASTLES | | 0:04:15 | 128 | S | 44 |
11 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Come | 5.6 | 02.06.28 22:59:05 | Bush | Comedown (Live) | 2000 | manchester 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:05:55 | 128 | S | 44 |
El Mannion - Unlive In Manchester Tr | 5.3 | 03.12.18 18:14:13 | el mannion | unlive in manchester - track 3 | 2003 | | | 0:05:33 | 128 | S | 44 |
Loon01-grade4-manchester-2nd.mp3 | 3.7 | 01.11.28 18:55:44 | | | | | | 0:03:56 | 128 | S | 44 |
12 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Crow | 7.2 | 02.06.28 23:02:52 | Bush | Crowd "We want BUSH!" | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:07:31 | 128 | S | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_06_She Loves You | 2.7 | 01.01.25 08:27:01 | My Bloody Valentine | She Loves You No Less (Live) | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:02:50 | 128 | S | 44 |
My Bloody Valentine_08_I Don't Need | 2.9 | 01.01.25 08:28:29 | My Bloody Valentine | I Don't Need You (Live) | | Live In Manchester 1987 | | 0:03:01 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester.mp3 | 2.0 | 01.08.21 23:13:01 | manchester | perfect thursday | | | | 0:02:10 | 128 | S | 44 |
05 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Inse | 4.5 | 02.06.28 23:09:56 | Bush | Insect Kin (Live) | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | recorded from real audio to mini | 0:04:42 | 128 | S | 44 |
14 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Priz | 0.9 | 02.06.28 23:12:50 | Bush | Prizefighter (Live) 1/2 of son | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:01:00 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester.mp3 | 0.5 | 02.08.28 14:58:58 | The Author | The Title | 2935 | Album | Comment | | | | |
Manchester_Music_Festival_-_01_-_Con | 17.3 | | Manchester Music Festival | 01 - Concerto in C Major - Opu | | | | 0:18:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
Marie_Laforet_-_Manchester_et_Liverp | 3.4 | 03.10.15 22:51:33 | | | | | | | | | |
Manchester.mp3 | 3.9 | 02.07.23 20:13:04 | | | | | | 0:04:03 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester.mp3 | 1.7 | 02.08.04 18:23:22 | The Author | The Title | 2935 | Album | Comment | 0:01:13 | 192 | S | 44 |
Celtic10.mp3 | 0.6 | 03.02.22 15:33:13 | Sellers International Band | 10 A Manchester Tale | 2002 | Celtic Connections | www.SellersInternati | | | | |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_04_-_Pi | 7.1 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 04 - Piano Quartet in c minor, | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:08:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
Manchester.mp3 | 3.7 | 02.03.14 20:48:21 | Julia's Rain | Manchester | 1996 | wonderful broken silence e.p. | | 0:03:56 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_05_-_Jo | 6.3 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 05 - Joaquin Turina: Piano qu | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:07:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_01_-_Pi | 8.3 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 01 - Piano Quartet in c minor, | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:09:58 | 112 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Music_Festival_-_01_-_Con | 17.3 | | Manchester Music Festival | 01 - Concerto in C Major - Opu | | | | 0:18:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
Beckham_manchester_united_v_westhami | 3.7 | 03.06.21 02:48:59 | | | | | | | | | |
Shootingstar.mp3 | 2.9 | 02.05.17 06:53:56 | Universal | Cantona, Cantona (No.7 Shootin | | The Song Of Manchester United - | Eric au revior.. | 0:03:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester_United_-_A_Season_Review_ | 2.1 | | Manchester United - A Season Rev | 01: Arsenal (Aug 01) 1-2 | | | | 0:02:11 | 128 | S | 44 |
Ericcantona.mp3 | 3.9 | 02.05.17 06:53:58 | The Music Men | Eric Cantona | | The Song Of Manchester United - | Eric is the King...http://redsky | 0:04:07 | 128 | S | 44 |
06 Manchester England.mp3 | 1.5 | 99.09.04 17:08:16 | | | | | | 0:01:18 | 160 | S | 44 |
Manchester_United_-_A_Season_Review_ | 2.1 | | Manchester United - A Season Rev | 01: Arsenal (Aug 01) 1-2 | | | | 0:02:11 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester.mp3 | 1.7 | 03.03.13 23:35:51 | | | | | | 0:01:48 | 128 | S | 44 |
23 Manchester England (reprise).mp3 | 0.6 | 99.09.04 17:42:38 | | | | | | 0:00:30 | 160 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_05_-_Jo | 6.3 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 05 - Joaquin Turina: Piano qu | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:07:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
Girl_Nobody_-_Manchester_66.mp3 | 3.2 | | Girl Nobody | Manchester '66 | | | | 0:03:21 | 128 | S | 44 |
Taylor Bros Cross To Bear.MP3 | 4.8 | 04.01.25 14:42:03 | Taylor Bros, Manchester, TN US | Taylor Bros Cross To Bear | 1992 | Featuring Dan Toler on Guitar | | 0:06:44 | 96 | M | 44 |
Bf10.mp3 | 0.9 | 03.08.18 17:19:53 | Something Else | Manchester Bus Station (excerp | 2003 | Start Moving Earbuds | | 0:01:00 | 128 | S | 44 |
Beastie.mp3 | 0.9 | 02.12.05 23:11:50 | Ruthless Rap Assassins | Beastie Rip | 1988 | (BBC Radio Manchester Session) | It Ain't Our Style, | 0:02:15 | 56 | S | 22 |
Ruthless.mp3 | 2.0 | 02.12.06 00:10:40 | Ruthless Rap Assassins | Ruthless Rap | 1988 | (BBC Radio Manchester Session) | Feel the stirring in | 0:04:55 | 56 | S | 22 |
Subi-bos-04-uthfkisubi-subi-moves-to | 5.1 | 00.05.29 22:00:00 | subi | uthfkisubi (manchester remix) | 00 | best of subi 1989-2000 | http://www.mono211.c | 0:05:22 | 128 | S | 44 |
002-96_05.mp3 | 5.5 | 03.03.05 19:35:08 | | | 1991 | | | 0:07:41 | 96 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Music_Festival_-_01_-_Con | 17.3 | | Manchester Music Festival | 01 - Concerto in C Major - Opu | | | | 0:18:05 | 128 | S | 44 |
Neillfinn_manchester_11May01_Phil+Ed | 1.0 | 01.09.21 06:19:47 | | | | | | 0:04:13 | 32 | M | 22 |
Tfarrows.mp3 | 2.6 | 02.11.01 14:38:00 | Reid Genauer | 15 Arrows | | Manchester Film Festival | Track 12 | 0:03:43 | | | |
Revolution-Manchester-April27-2000.m | 1.9 | 00.12.21 23:01:45 | New Artist (19) | Track 08 | | New Title (19) | | 0:01:38 | 160 | S | 44 |
Sour Deluxe - Manchester.mp3 | 5.5 | 01.04.07 20:34:00 | | | | | | 0:04:37 | 160 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_04_-_Pi | 7.1 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 04 - Piano Quartet in c minor, | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:08:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
Manchester_Chamber_Players_-_05_-_Jo | 6.3 | | Manchester Chamber Players | 05 - Joaquin Turina: Piano qu | | Favre, Turina & Lano | | 0:07:32 | 112 | S | 44 |
Wtfamu.mp3 | 0.6 | 02.03.21 15:16:42 | Liverpool FC | Who The Fuck Are Man Utd | 1999 | Oasis live in Manchester | DJ-PaLm @ Galaxynet. | 0:00:39 | 128 | S | 44 |
Basketcase.mp3 | 3.1 | 03.06.10 04:01:51 | Avril Lavigne | Basketcase | 2003 | Live! Manchester, UK | | 0:03:16 | 128 | S | 44 |
Melissa Manchester - Looking Through | 4.0 | 03.08.20 05:01:42 | | | | | | 0:04:14 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester United - United We Love Y | 3.1 | 02.05.24 16:17:22 | | | | | | 0:03:14 | 128 | S | 44 |
Manchester United - Lift It High(All | 4.6 | 02.05.24 16:09:08 | Manchester United | Lift It High(All About Belief) | 1999 | netzwerk | by | 0:12:56 | 48 | S | 32 |
Manchester United - We All Follow Ma | 3.1 | 02.05.24 16:25:20 | | | | | | 0:03:16 | 128 | S | 44 |
15 - Bush - Manchester 3-8-00 - Priz | 4.8 | 02.06.28 23:25:20 | Bush | Prizefighter 2nd 1/2 and Swall | 2000 | manchester gig 3-8-00 | encoded from real audio to mini | 0:05:02 | 128 | S | 44 |
| | | | | | | | | | | |