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The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
Még nem küldtek üzenetet
The SELECT would examine more than MAX_JOIN_SIZE rows; check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is okay
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~~Warp / Teleport~~

Warp a saját faluba: /town spawn

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az összes parancs csak boltban használható

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Vevés a boltból: /shop buy Név(ANGOL NEVE) Mennyiség

Eladás a boltba: /shop sell Név(ANGOL NEVE) Mennyiség

Fontos a boltrendszerben:

  • Nagy kezdőbetű
  • Angol itemnevek használata
  • Minden egybeírandó (Például: kiégetett vas: Iron Ingot helyesírása: IronIngot)

~~Védelmi rendszer~~

Láda levédése: /lwc -c private

  • Ezután üss rá bal klikkel a ládára, amit le szeretnél védeni. Ezek után csak te turkálhatsz benne.
#591 | Onlinepillsrx - October 17 2022 09:01:41
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#592 | jckilbi - October 18 2022 08:17:49
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ntains the same active ingredient as Viagra &#8211; Sildenafil Citrate. The tablet is available in two strengths: 50mg and 100mg.
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#593 | jckilbi - October 18 2022 08:21:37
Super Tadarise 20 Mg contains active ingredients such as tadalafil 20mg and also dapoxetine 60 mg. It is a mixture of Tadarise Oral Jelly to be used with in three hours of the sexual activity. This helps a person perform well sexually for up to 4 hours at a time by enhancing blood flow. Super Tadarise 20 is for erectile dysfunction caused by neurological problems (low libido, pain during sexual intercourse) or vascular problems (high blood pressure). For more medication visit Medzpills Pharmacy
#594 | jckilbi - October 18 2022 08:37:33
Super P Force 160 is a medication that contains the active ingredients sildenafil citrate and dapoxetine. The medication is used to treat erectile dysfunction in men. It can be taken by mouth or through inseration into the urethra depending on the severity of the condition.
#595 | jerrygomez - October 19 2022 11:02:42
Fildena est l'une des formulations génériques de haut niveau de Viagra recommandées pour traiter l'infection sexuelle masculine et la dysfonction érectile (ED), également connue sous le nom d'infertilité.
#596 | priyapatel - October 20 2022 13:12:28
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Tretinoin Cream is recommended for patients with extreme skin breakout issues and acne. .Tretinoin Cream buy ought to be utilized precisely as endorsed by your doctor. Every patient might be endorsed with an alternate sum, contingent upon their condition. It is vital to follow this intently.

On the off chance that you have been involved in skin breakout treatment, kindly talk with your dermatologist to get nitty gritty directions on the most proficient method to utilize tretinoin Cream topically. Tretinoin 0.1 Cream can be utilized as a skin breakout treatment item or as a flaw treatment solution.
#597 | Kamagra Oral Jelly Sildenafil - November 01 2022 07:46:56
https://24x7pharm...ildenafil/ Cola is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the penis. This helps men to get or maintain an erection. It belongs to a group of medicines known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.
#598 | keo nha cai - November 02 2022 04:01:16
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#600 | farnanwilliam - November 03 2022 13:02:09
Numerous specialists accept that decay, a fractional or complete dying of tissue, and fibrosis, the development of overabundance tissue, of the smooth muscle tissue in the body of the penis (huge smooth muscle) triggers issues with having the option to keep a firm erection. Unfortunate capacity to keep an erection is many times an early side effect of erectile brokenness. Albeit the condition is called venous release, the genuine issue isn't with the veins however breakdown of the smooth muscle that encompasses the veins. Many medicines are used to overcome this problem of impotence in men like cenforce 100, suhagra, fildana 100, kamagra etc. Men can enjoy a strong erection with the use of these medicines. The final product is trouble with keep a firm erection (losing an erection excessively fast) that is currently accept to be an early indication of atherosclerosis and vascular illness.
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