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Csatlakozott: 2022.02.20. Vasárnap 14:08 Hozzászólások: 125
Elküldve: Csüt. Feb. 24, 2022 11:02 pm Hozzászólás témája: Stores reviews |
How do people know when to trust online reviews about Carrefour? |
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Csatlakozott: 2020.05.29. Péntek 21:05 Hozzászólások: 171
Elküldve: Pént. Feb. 25, 2022 12:14 pm Hozzászólás témája: |
Hello. I want to note that in Carrefour my family and I ordered weekly and are amazed at their efficiency. They always delivered the goods on time, and the drivers will also bring your order even up to three flights of stairs. Orders are in cardboard, not plastic, and I am very pleased with Carrefour. Carrefour Aluche shopping center (Madrid) has good maintenance and customer service. After reading the Carrefour reviews here https://carrefour.pissedconsumer.com/customer-service.html , I got really scared, but in the end it was the other way around. Very happy that I have been buying Carrefour for many years and the truth is that I have no complaints. |
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