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registered: 09.03.2016
15.12.2017, 17:18 offline quote 

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VIENNA, Dec. 13 (UPI) -- The expansion of a U.S. Treasury blacklist of Iranian companies jeopardizes an agreement on Iran's nuclear program, an Iranian official said Friday.

About a dozen organizations and individuals were added to the list, the Wall Street Journal reported. They allegedly helped the Iranian government obtain military supplies and avoid the effect of sanctions.

The Iranian delegation broke off talks with the United States and five other countries and returned to Tehran,jordans for cheap, the official Islamic Republic News Agency said.

The so-called expert-level delegates,cheap jordan shoes to CNN Money, meeting since Monday at the Vienna headquarters of U.N. nuclear watchdog International Atomic Energy Agency,cheap jordans for sale --,jordans for sale,cheap jordans, halted the talks on enforcement mechanisms to return to Tehran for consultations Thursday night. The delegation was led by Iranian Foreign Ministry political and legal affairs Director General Hamid Baeidinejad.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry,given their cap situation.,

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