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Rank 6
497 Posts
registered: 05.01.2017
22.01.2018, 10:43 offline quote 

Nicolas Maduro has revealed a plan to combat Venezuela's food crisis by encouraging people to breed rabbits for meat, but acknowledged a "setback" when participants in a pilot project adopted the bunnies as pets.
Unveiling "Plan Rabbit",,cheap retro jordans,jordan shoes, the Venezuelan president described it as an "extremely good" initiative to provide an alternative source of animal protein,,,jordans for cheap,cheap wholesale jordans,, "because rabbits breed like... rabbits."
The scheme - designed to resist the &quot,cheap wholesale jordans,cheap authentic jordans;economic war" Mr Maduro says is being waged by the "empire" - had however suffered teething difficulties,,jordans for cheap.
The minister for urban agriculture,cheap jordans online, Freddy Bernal, had handed out baby rabbits to 15 communities as part of a trial,,cheap jordans free shipping, Mr Maduro recounted to much laughter from assembled ministers.?
"When he returned,cheap authentic jordans,cheap air jordans,cheap real jordans, surprise! The people had the bunnies with little bows and they were keeping them as pets,cheap jordans,cheap jordans,cheap jordans free shipping," he said.?

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