1978. XI. 18.
Nijmegen, Hollandia

Összjátékidő: 41'54"

Névtelen utazó
Mecky: "Huh! Thank you! (?)"
Metamorfózis 1.
Mecky: "Huh! Thank you very much!"
Mihály: "Thank you very much! And now we will play a song from our Skyrover album. It´s a song, which would be good if you (?) your hand. So we try to make it together. The song is called Russian winter.
Éjféli koncert
Molnár: "Thank you!"
Nem tudom a neved
Mecky: "Huh! Thank you very much!"
Mihály: "Thank you! Thank you very much! And we´ll play one more song tonight. It´s from the last album, from our Skyrover album. And the song is called: The hope, the bread and the wine."
Metamorfózis 2.