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19.3 Architecture within the Life Cycle

Although we have argued that architecture is the central artifact within the life cycle, the fact remains that a life cycle for a particular system comprises far more than architecture development. We see several areas ripe for research about architecture within the life cycle:

  • Documentation within a tool environment. In Chapter 9, we discussed architecture documentation but not how this documentation is generated. Ideally, knowledge of a system's architecture is embedded in a tool, from which documentation can be generated automatically or semi-automatically. The generation of documentation from a tool assumes that the tool has knowledge of architectural constructs. Not only does it have this knowledge, but it provides a method for moving from one view to another. This, in turn, assumes that there is a method for specifying the mapping between views.

    The mapping between views comes with problems of its own: maintaining consistency across views-a change that is made in one view is automatically reflected in other views-and maintaining constraints both within and across views. For example, you should be able to specify that a process has no more than three threads (constraint within a view) and that particular modules should be bound into the same process (constraint across views).

  • Software architecture within configuration management systems. One reason software architecture reconstruction exists is to determine whether the as-built architecture conforms to the as-designed architecture. Suppose a configuration management system knows about the designed architecture and can verify that consistency when a new or revised code module is checked in. In that case, there is no need for architecture conformance testing since conformance is guaranteed by the configuration management system. In that way, one motivation for architectural reconstruction disappears.

  • Moving from architecture to code. Whenever there are multiple representations of a system, there is the problem of keeping these representations consistent, whether they are design models or architecture or code. The representation maintained becomes the correct one and the other representation degrades over time. If there is no tight coupling between the architecture and the code within some tool environment, then two problems exist. The first is moving from an architectural specification to code, since architecture design precedes coding. The second is maintaining the architecture in the face of system evolution, since code, not architecture, typically becomes the representation kept up to date.

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