Nincs kép megadva!
Submitted by: widra
Date: 2007-11-25 12:05
  • What's Templatica anyway?

    Templatica is a membership based template club where you get full access to all templates in the css template gallery for a single and very affordable annual fee of $24!
    Yup, that's right! All of this plus all of the templates released within one year from the day you join. No extra cost, no hidden fees!
    You also have a possibility of purchasing a single template for as low as $5.

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Mit vársz a Clear Sky-tól

A S.T.A.L.K.E.R.-t 82.6% (3
Jobb Grafikát 13% (6)
Egy kis hentelést 2.2% (1)
Semmit ! 2.2% (1)

Nos a szavazás eredménye egyértelműen rámutatott arra, hogy mindenki az "igazi" stalker-t szeretné látni! Köszönjük mindenkinek, aki szavazott!
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