q ay01 Force of Destruction clan site | Hungarian Team Fortress 2 clan
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Hungary 27.04: A közösség


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  • Personal Info
Nickname: ..F(o)D:.Doc
Status: offline
Usertitle: Rank 1
Contact: e-mail
Real Name: Bárkányi Barna
Sexuality: male
Age: 1992-05-20 (32 years)
Location: Hungary
Registered since: 26.04.2009 - 22:08
Last Login: 02.05.2009 - 10:05

  • About

  • Clan / Equipment
Clan: ..F(o)D:.Doc / ..F(o)D:.Doc
(HP: ..F(o)D:.Doc)
Irc-Channel: ..F(o)D:.Doc
Clan-History: ..F(o)D:.Doc
CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.53GHz
Mainboard: ASUSP4800D-X
Monitor: Plug and Play monitor
Graphiccard: NVIDIA GeForce 6200
Soundcard: SoundMAX Digital Audio
I-Connection: 10/megabyte
Keyboard: Szabványos 101/102 gombos vagy Microsoft Natural PS/2 billentyűzet
Mouse: Microsoft PS/2 egér
Mousepad: MSI PM8M-V
  • Userpic:

  • Latest Visitors    (visited 0 times)
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  • Statistics
Forumtopics: 0
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Clanwarcomments: 0
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Democomments: 0
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