Az Angliai Jehova Tanúi egyház Sajtóképviselőjének válasza a Guardian első cikkére To: letters


Subject: Jehovah's Witnesses and the United Nations

Dear Sir,

In response to two articles by Stephen Bates, religious affairs correspondent for The Guardian, I should be grateful to have the attached letter published. sincerely,

Paul Gillies
Press Officer for Jehovah's Witnesses in Britain

October 22, 2001

Letters Editor

The Guardian

Dear Sir,

Stephen Bates' articles in The Guardian of October 8 and 15 substantially misrepresents the background to Jehovah’s Witnesses registration with the United Nations and contains a number of fac-tual errors.

In 1991 one of our legal corporations registered with the United Nations as a NGO (non- governmental organization) for the sole purpose of getting access to the extensive library of the United Nations. This enabled a writer who received an identification card, to enter their library for research purposes and to obtain information that has been used in writing articles in our journals about the United Nations. There was nothing secret about it.

At the time of the initial application no signature was required on the form. Years later, unbe-known to the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, the United Nations published “Criteria for As-sociation”, stipulating that affiliated NGO’s are required to support the goals of the United Nations.

After learning of the situation, our membership as NGO was withdrawn and the ID card of the writer was returned.


Paul Gillies
Press Officer for Jehovah’s Witnesses in Britain

P.S. Please do not publish my e-mail address.