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Recipe 1.9. Coping with XPath 2.0's Extended Type System


XPath 2.0's stricter type rules have you cursing the W3C and longing for Perl.


Most incompatibilities between XPath/XSLT 1.0 and 2.0 come from type errors. This is true regardless of whether a schema is present or not. You can eliminate many problems encountered in porting legacy XSLT 1.0 to XSLT 2.0 with respect to XPath differences by running in 1.0 compatibility mode.

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0">

    <!-- ... -->


In my opinion, eventually you will want to stop using compatibility mode. XPath 2.0 provides several facilities for dealing with type conversions. First, you can use conversion functions explicitly.

(: Convert the first X child of the context to a number. :)
number(X[1]) + 17

(: Convert a number in $n to a string. :)
concat("id-", string($n))

XPath 2.0 also provides type constructors so you can explicitly control the interpretation of a string.

(: Construct a date from a string. :)

(: Construct doubles from strings. :)
xs:double("1.1e8") + xs:double("23000")

Finally, XPath has the operators castable as, cast as, and TReat as. Most of the time, you want to use the first two.

if ($x castable as xs:date) then $x cast as xs:date else xs:date("1970-01-01")

The operator, treat as, is not a conversion per se but rather an assertion that tells the XPath processor that you promise at runtime a value will conform to a specified type. If this turns out not to be the case, then a type error will occur. XPath 2.0 added treat as so XPath implementers could perform static (compile time) type checking in addition to dynamic type checking while allowing programmers to selectively disable static type checks. Static type checking XSLT 2.0 implementations will likely be rare so you can ignore TReat as for the time being. It is far more likely to arise in higher-end XQuery processors that do static type checking to facilitate various optimizations.


Running in 1.0 compatibility mode with an XSLT 2.0 processor does not mean you cannot use any of the new 2.0 features. It simply enables certain XPath 1.0 conversion rules.

  • It allows non-numeric types used in a context where numbers are expected to convert automatically to numbers via atomization followed by application of the number( ) function.

(: In compatability mode, the following evaluates to 18.1 but is a type error in 2.0. :)
"1.1" + "17"

  • It allows non-string types used in a context where strings are expected to convert automatically to strings via atomization followed by application of the string( ) function.

(: In compatability mode, the following evaluates to 2 but is a type error in 2.0. :)
string-length(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)

  • It automatically discards items from sequences of size two or more they are used in a context where a singleton is expected. This often happens when one is passing the result of a path expression to a function.

    <line>There once was a programmer from Nantucket.</line> 
    <line>Who liked his bits in a bucket.</line> 
    <line>He said with a grin</line> 
    <line>and drops of coffee on his chin,</line> 
    <line>"If XSLT had a left-shift, I would love it!"</line> 

(: In compatability mode, both
 expressions evaluate to 43 but the first is a type error in 2.0. :)

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