
Forum » Public Boards » Main Board » John cheap jordans 1 Kasich leaves

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registriert: 09.05.2016
10.05.2016, 04:44 offline  

houses of Congress, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are preparing tax increases and more Obamacare spending, the video's future depicts.

The video then cuts to news reports touting Kasich's electability in November's election and concludes with the Star Wars line, "You're our only hope," before flashing the campaign's logo.

Even as Trump's sole remaining challenger,cheap jordans 1, analysts said Kasich had no path to the nomination. He was even snubbed by Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus on Tuesday, who called Trump the "presumptive nominee" while Kasich was still in the race.

Further,cheap jordans 1, Kasich's campaign manager pledged Tuesday that the candidate would fight through to the last of nine more primaries on the schedule.

Some have speculated that Trump might tab Kasich as his running

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