VPNC connection fails after upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10 (saucy) 

My corporate VPN connection got broken after I have updated my desktop to Kubuntu 13.10.

First I have started the Networkmanager's vpnc service in debug mode:

sudo /usr/lib/NetworkManager/nm-vpnc-service --debug

When connecting to the VPN the following message had been shown at the end of the log:

S5.5 do xauth reply
[2014-01-12 09:54:00]
/usr/sbin/vpnc: server requested domain, but none set (use "Domain ..." in config or --domain

The KDE networkmanager applet do not provide input for the domain, so it had to be workarounded:

Edit the /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/[VPN connection name]

And insert the following line under the [vpn] section:


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