Samsung D60 - no flash repair 

My father's Samsung D60 compact camera's flash stopped working.
I have taken it apart to see what happened. In our case the problem source was a broken flex PCB between the flash capacitor and the flash charge PCB.

Repair procedure:
- Remove the screws.
- Remove the back plastic cover
- Disconnect the LCD and unscrew the LCD holding frame.
- Disconnect the upper buttons
- Remove the front cover

WARNING: the flash capacitor is charged to >300V. It can cause injury or damage if you touch it when it is charged. Discharge it before starting the flash disassembling process.

There is a black tape on the main PCB right to the upper buttons connector. Measure DC voltage between the rightmost two pins. If you can measure the flash capacitor voltage (>10V) then your problem will be different. If not carefully desolder the pads of that flex PCB one by one.

Remove the flash holding screw, and remove the flash assembly including the flash capacitor.

Discharge the cap and solder back to the flex PCB:

Bonus: I have found the UART of the main MCU.

Unfortunatelly nothing exciting just a blue colored "end" string comes at the boot with 11500 8n1. It does not seems to be responding to anything.

Samsung Digimax S730 could be also affected. (Using the same flash assembly AD92-00338A (STS3-73))

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