STLINK-V3SET teardown images 

Just received from mouser a brand new STLink V3.

Here cames a bit of teardown of it.

Powered by an STM32F723 BGA variant.

It has a pretty nice construction with insightful features (USB to CAN, I2C, SPI, JTAG, SVD, SWIM).

I would love to use this a general tool. (Patch AVRDude to flash AVRs with it, patch flashrom to flash random SPI flashes, etc.)

USB descriptors:


Shipped with the latest FW:

The MB1440B is a kind of passive shield, just some protection diodes and a SN74LVC2T45 level shifter present for the SWIM.
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strreplace for EAGLE ULP 

string strreplace(string original, string toReplace, string replaceWith){
string ret = "";
string left = original;
while (strstr(left, toReplace) >= 0) {
ret += strsub(left, 0, strstr(left, toReplace));
ret += replaceWith;
left = strsub(left, strstr(left, toReplace) + strlen(toReplace));
ret += left;
return ret;

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rosserial Failed to get param: length mismatch error 

When you ran into similar:

[ INFO] [1536180410.761324217]: Parameter ~armRotate/minimumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.764781574]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.769497296]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumSpeed requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.774485261]: Parameter ~armRotate/deadBand requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.778887785]: Parameter ~armRotate/kP requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.782668712]: Parameter ~armRotate/kI requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.787019140]: Parameter ~armRotate/kD requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.790912621]: Parameter ~armRotate/kGain requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.794231906]: Parameter ~armRotate/iMin requested.
[ WARN] [1536180410.796379771]: Failed to get param: length mismatch
[ INFO] [1536180412.641243188]: [tiva_arm] Comms stat: avg bandwidth in: 49, out: 1060 bytes/s, loops/sec: 39230.
[ INFO] [1536180415.798788003]: Parameter ~armRotate/minimumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.803152207]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.807883058]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumSpeed requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.811802805]: Parameter ~armRotate/deadBand requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.815071212]: Parameter ~armRotate/kP requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.818853175]: Parameter ~armRotate/kI requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.821947062]: Parameter ~armRotate/kD requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.824762202]: Parameter ~armRotate/kGain requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.827612723]: Parameter ~armRotate/iMin requested.
[ WARN] [1536180415.830237542]: Failed to get param: length mismatch

Make sure that your types of your parameters on the MCU and the host matches...
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Custom Saleae Logic Analyzer plugin load fails on OSX with "Unable to 'dlopen' so/dylib " error 

One of our custom analyzer plugin started to fail to load after started using an std::set variable with the error above with the similar output from the Logic:

Starting /Applications/
exe File path is /Applications/ [ /Users/build/ob_logic/Source/Environment.cpp; Environment; 260 ]
exe folder path is /Applications/ [ /Users/build/ob_logic/Source/Environment.cpp; Environment; 261 ]
Release Mode; analyzer path is /Applications/ [ /Users/build/ob_logic/Source/Environment.cpp; Environment; 283 ]
Release Mode; exe path is /Applications/; user path is /Users/Miklos [ /Users/build/ob_logic/Source/Environment.cpp; Environment; 318 ]
Found log directory at Library//Logs//DiagnosticReports [ /Users/build/ob_logic/Source/Environment.cpp; Environment; 327 ]
dlopen fail (null) [ /Users/build/ob_logic/Source/AnalyzerManager.cpp; LoadAnalyzersAtPath; 159 ]
dlopen fail dlopen(/Users/Miklos/git/saleae_xline_analyzer/bin/libXLiNEAnalyzer.1.0.dylib, 1): Symbol not found: __ZTISt12out_of_range
Referenced from: /Users/Miklos/git/saleae_xline_analyzer/bin/libXLiNEAnalyzer.1.0.dylib
Expected in: /Applications/


Add -lc++ to the linker flags before the -lAnalyzer.
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STM8 compiler comparison SDCC vs. Cosmic 

I have converted a project previously built with Cosmic to be compiled with SDCC.

The size results were really bad, the project cannot fit in the 8K memory of the STM8S003:


flash size: 6912 occupied: 8706 (125.95%) free: -1794 (-25.95%)

sensor size: 2092 (30.27%)
interrupt size: 1959 (28.34%)
signalprocessing size: 1577 (22.82%)
xlineslave size: 1309 (18.94%)
led size: 988 (14.29%)
init size: 253 (3.66%)
config size: 129 (1.87%)
delay size: 123 (1.78%)
seedbuffers size: 104 (1.50%)
main size: 86 (1.24%)
adc size: 86 (1.24%)

While Cosmic:

flash size: 6912 occupied: 6480 (93.75%) free: 432 (6.25%)

interrupt.o size: 1540 (22.28%)
sensor.o size: 1464 (21.18%)
xlineslave.o size: 802 (11.60%)
signalprocessing.o size: 688 (9.95%)
led.o size: 559 (8.09%)
ldiv.o size: 235 (3.40%)
init.o size: 222 (3.21%)
lmul.o size: 139 (2.01%)
config.o size: 131 (1.90%)
interrupt_vectors.o size: 128 (1.85%) size: 80 (1.16%)
delay.o size: 73 (1.06%)
main.o size: 69 (1.00%)
adc.o size: 60 (0.87%)
seedbuffers.o size: 45 (0.65%)
imul.o size: 33 (0.48%)
lcmp.o size: 32 (0.46%)
lgadd.o size: 23 (0.33%)
lsbc.o size: 23 (0.33%)
lneg.o size: 21 (0.30%)
cmulx.o size: 20 (0.29%)
ludiv.o size: 20 (0.29%)
lgneg.o size: 19 (0.27%)
rtol.o size: 18 (0.26%)
lursh.o size: 15 (0.22%)
lgursh.o size: 14 (0.20%)
utolx.o size: 7 (0.10%)

The total flash size is just 6912 bytes because of the bootloader.
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