Foxeer Box2 NMAP output 

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Daily flashrom development lessons 

Generating random content with size:

head -c 524288 </dev/urandom > random.bin

Never trust autodetect, specify the flash name explicitly with -c. (My SST25LF040A was not detectable with autodetect)

Assert CS at the begining of spi_master::command and deassert befor leaving it.
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DIY Tag connect 

Made by one of my friends way before the TAG-connect became popular.

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Poor man's Shimano Biopace 

Yes someone welded a ovoid chainring to his cowrushing bike :D

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IGO8 on Navitel MS700 

Put the Igo to the Navitel folder on the flash.
Rename Navitel.exe to Navitel.old.exe
Rename Igo.exe to Navitel.exe

Put the following to the sys.txt:

[ hozzászólás ] ( 16 megtekintés ) [ 0 trackbackek ] permalink ( 3 / 1953 )

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