Boo2Qt QSettings::filename making tricks when debugging 

Self note: application name, organisation name set, however some times the app parses the /root/.config/<org>/<appname>.conf and sometimes it parses the /.config/<org>/<appname>.conf
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rfkill - the beginning of a beautiful friendship 

1. If you want to block/unblock a single interface you have to specify it with a number:

rfkill unblock 1

And here comes a systemd unit which enables an USB Wifi dongle only:

Description=RFKill-Unblock WiFi Devices

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rfkill unblock 1


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[Qt5]In the case if accented characters are not displayed from the tr() calls 

I ran into an issue which was familiar from many years ago from the Qt 4.x times with a recent setup: Qt 5.14 + MSVC2015.


Add the following to the pro file_

win32-msvc* {

And recompile everything.
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STM32CubeIDE - (Read)Failed determine breakpoint type 

Make sure that the startup assembly file (MCU_name.s usually) is added to the project.
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STM32 DMA notes 

- When using burst mode you have to point to the DMAR register not the first register to target
- Timer update and CC DMA requests require different channels
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