Weelye RX16 SPI log 

Just in case if you are interested in the protocol of the XN297LBW on the board here is an SPI trace in Saleae Logic 1.x format:
http://balubati.atw.hu/website_files/we ... .logicdata

Just in case if you wanna drive your kid's car with deviation based RC TX or whatever ;)
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Ferrex Multi sensor multi detector teardown 

Recently bought from Aldi for ~4K HUF just a few internal images.

[ 2 hozzászólás ] ( 51 megtekintés ) [ 0 trackbackek ] permalink ( 3 / 1995 )
Yocto - the beginning of a beautiful friendship 

Package names shall not contain underscore (the underscore is intended for separating package name and version).

If the bbappend files does not get used consult with the layers priorities (BBFILE_PRIORITY_meta-xxxxx) in your layer.conf
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Boo2Qt QSettings::filename making tricks when debugging 

Self note: application name, organisation name set, however some times the app parses the /root/.config/<org>/<appname>.conf and sometimes it parses the /.config/<org>/<appname>.conf
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rfkill - the beginning of a beautiful friendship 

1. If you want to block/unblock a single interface you have to specify it with a number:

rfkill unblock 1

And here comes a systemd unit which enables an USB Wifi dongle only:

Description=RFKill-Unblock WiFi Devices

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rfkill unblock 1


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