Lattice ispVM under Ubuntu 11.04 with USB download cable 

I have tried to use the Lattice ispVM under Ubuntu 11.04, with the Lattice USB download cable, but I have to run it as root, even after adding the udev rules mentioned in the FAQ.

After some strace analyzing I have figured out that it is trying to open the /dev/bus/usb/{roothub}/{devide} nodes. Since then the download cable's node was read only it failed.

I have written the following udev rule to the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-lattice.rules file inspired by my AVR doper's rule:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="1134", ATTR{idProduct}=="8001", MODE="0666"

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Never ever use colorgcc if you are using buildroot, openembedded or... 

Or anything else what is modifying somehow the output of the GCC.
Otherwise you will suck like a gluttonous badger* like I did.

A.k.a torkos borz in hungarian.
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[Project announce] Linux kernelmodul az NI DAQCard-4050-hez 

Ma sikerrel portoltam az National Instruments 4050 PCMCIA DMM-hez gányolt gyári példaprogramokat egy Linux kernelmodullá.

Kód a szokásos helyen a googlekódon figyel:

Nem bírhattam ki hogy ne hegesszek hozá valami GUI-t Qt-ban természetesen:

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U-boot: undefined reference to `get_mtd_device_nm' 

When you facing something similar compile error, make sure that you have been defined the CONFIG_MTD_DEVICE in your config header nt just the CONFIG_CMD_MTDPARTS.
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Altera USBBlaster udev rule for urjtag 

If you want to use your Altera USBBlaster with urjtag without root privileges you should add the following to the
/etc/udev/rules.d/52-altera-usb.rules files.

# USB-Blaster
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="09fb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", MODE="0666"

Credits goes to turul64
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