Ebay review: 614 Micro Motor DC 3.7V 

I have came across many similar small motors on ebay:

By looking at their dimensions I couldn't resist to buy a few one to try out how they perform in my Furibee F36.

Here are the plain results running from 4.2V bench supply:
No load current: 60 mA
Consumed current while driving the Furibee's 32mm ducted fan: 570 mA

As seen from the currents above (Furibee's motors consuming ~1A with FAN) these motors are not as powerful as the Furibee's.

The thing can fly, but not as agile as with the original motors.
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UDEV rule for setting the baudrate and bringing up socketcan interfaces 

SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", KERNEL=="can*", RUN+="/etc/udev/rules.d/setup_can_interfaces.sh"

And the setup_can_interfaces.sh:


/sbin/ip link set $INTERFACE type can bitrate 1000000
/sbin/ifconfig $INTERFACE txqueuelen 1000
/sbin/ifconfig $INTERFACE up

Do not forget to add executable rights and then reload the udev rules:
udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger

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Howto run an application on SailfishOS with root permissions 

Normally you will not need it unless you are debugging something permission sensitive stuff.

- Activate developer mode, set ssh password
- SSH to your phone
- devel-su
- export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/100000
- xdg-open /usr/share/applications/ble_scanner.desktop
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nRF51822 development logs 

I have purchased a similar board from ebay to play with:

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wiki/RIOT-OS/RIOT/images/yunjia-nrf51822-full.jpg popup=true]

The Nordic's PCA10028 devboard has almost the same MCU as mine, but it has double amount of RAM. To compile the examples for this board the linker script needs to be modified:

/* Linker script to configure memory regions. */

GROUP(-lgcc -lc -lnosys)

FLASH (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x0, LENGTH = 0x40000
RAM (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 0x4000

.fs_data :
PROVIDE(__start_fs_data = .);
PROVIDE(__stop_fs_data = .);
} > RAM

INCLUDE "nrf5x_common.ld"

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Driving an ICF-340-30-2 fan motor with an STM8 

My ex-neighbour came to me with an idea which was built around a HVAC fan motor and it's driver. It was salvaged from an old Toshiba air conditioner. You can find a pretty comprehensive service manual for it here. The motor is a ICF-340-30-2 and the driving board is a MCC-821-03 board.

Of course in it's state it was not able to drive the motor as we wanted so I have cut out the original MCU and replaced with an 1 USD STM8S003F3 board:

The motor driving is simple: there is a drive and a feedback signal. Both are optically isolated by the IC10 and IC11 optocouplers.

Here is the relevant pins of the main MCU (IC30):
- 21: Drive signal
- 22: Feedback signal
- 17: front button
(VCC (+5V) and GND is accessible from a plenty place)

I have successfully managed to get the motor running by generating an 1.6KHz PWM signal to the drive signal. I have not cared about the feedback signal (closed loop is for the puppies :D)
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