Tyco Mutator schematic 

Schematic diagrams for the Tyco Mutator RC car (gathered from the FCC site).

Back in the days when I was kid I would give a lot for these docs when my car broke down. (It is waiting since then for the BL conversion...)

Tyco Mutator TY-W1237 schematics

Tyco Mutator TY-W2310 schematics

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Power LED lamp repair 

My father bought a second hand high power lamp powered by 3 18650 cells.

Unfortunately after installing the batteries there were no way to turn it off.

I have opened up with: "worst case I will put a switch to it" in my mind.

The circuit inside is simple: basically an SOT-23-6 IC marked with 819L 48 a power P fet in SO8 package and some current limiting resistors:

After doing some google fu I ended up on this website:

It turned out that the IC is a Shenzhen Fuman Elec FM2819 The datasheet is only available in chinese, but pushing through the google translate did not helped either.

I have noticed one thing: there were an unpopulated 0603 place parallel with the pushbutton. The russian blog mentioned above that he have had found a cap in the box fallen from the same place. I have followed his advice put a 0603 100nF cap there and now the lamp works as expected.

[ hozzászólás ] [ 0 trackbackek ] permalink ( 3 / 2013 )
STLINK-V3SET teardown images 

Just received from mouser a brand new STLink V3.

Here cames a bit of teardown of it.

Powered by an STM32F723 BGA variant.

It has a pretty nice construction with insightful features (USB to CAN, I2C, SPI, JTAG, SVD, SWIM).

I would love to use this a general tool. (Patch AVRDude to flash AVRs with it, patch flashrom to flash random SPI flashes, etc.)

USB descriptors:


Shipped with the latest FW:

The MB1440B is a kind of passive shield, just some protection diodes and a SN74LVC2T45 level shifter present for the SWIM.
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strreplace for EAGLE ULP 

string strreplace(string original, string toReplace, string replaceWith){
string ret = "";
string left = original;
while (strstr(left, toReplace) >= 0) {
ret += strsub(left, 0, strstr(left, toReplace));
ret += replaceWith;
left = strsub(left, strstr(left, toReplace) + strlen(toReplace));
ret += left;
return ret;

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rosserial Failed to get param: length mismatch error 

When you ran into similar:

[ INFO] [1536180410.761324217]: Parameter ~armRotate/minimumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.764781574]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.769497296]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumSpeed requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.774485261]: Parameter ~armRotate/deadBand requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.778887785]: Parameter ~armRotate/kP requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.782668712]: Parameter ~armRotate/kI requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.787019140]: Parameter ~armRotate/kD requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.790912621]: Parameter ~armRotate/kGain requested.
[ INFO] [1536180410.794231906]: Parameter ~armRotate/iMin requested.
[ WARN] [1536180410.796379771]: Failed to get param: length mismatch
[ INFO] [1536180412.641243188]: [tiva_arm] Comms stat: avg bandwidth in: 49, out: 1060 bytes/s, loops/sec: 39230.
[ INFO] [1536180415.798788003]: Parameter ~armRotate/minimumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.803152207]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumPosition requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.807883058]: Parameter ~armRotate/maximumSpeed requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.811802805]: Parameter ~armRotate/deadBand requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.815071212]: Parameter ~armRotate/kP requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.818853175]: Parameter ~armRotate/kI requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.821947062]: Parameter ~armRotate/kD requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.824762202]: Parameter ~armRotate/kGain requested.
[ INFO] [1536180415.827612723]: Parameter ~armRotate/iMin requested.
[ WARN] [1536180415.830237542]: Failed to get param: length mismatch

Make sure that your types of your parameters on the MCU and the host matches...
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