Grim Raper



Grim Raper
Discography and Lyrics

Lamb 2 Slaughter (full album)
Grim Raper - Lamb 2 Slaughter

Sullen (intro)
The Feast
Gruesome Death
Inmost Fears
Step on your Neck
Distant Cry
Grim Raper
Raping with Nails
Skin Halo
Before Sacrifice
The Mourning



When the darkness
claims the land,
undead swallows the sun
and creepy mist slopes..


The Feast
Hung up unto a choking trap,
smoked up, roasted on fire
praying to be saved
but only the horde's desire,
is what I can face
-They come for my blood!
this infected race
-wants to smash me into the mud!

Oh I can hear the cracking bones!
can't no more see with my eyes
as it's biten out of my skull!

With the blured picture
as the last thing I saw
Islowly try to switch
my mind to another place

only to face my faults before
and it's now my blood on the floor!
this infected beast
BBQed me for their feast!


Gruesome Death
Burning in fires
feeling the flames
eating your flesh
off of your bones
waiting the reaper
to bring you death
but suffering
and pain come instead!

Shocked and bleeding
now you want to
quicken your death
-give up and fight
for your death!

Feeling the pains
distorting your vision
seeing your blood
endlessly flowing
feeling your skin
cough from smoke
your lungs are burning!

Die Violently!

You're set on fire
smell the stench
of burning hair
and blistered skin!

In hope of not surviving
your carbonization
Greet the Death in your reach
to bring you from this hell!

Your eyeballs are blowing
in the risen temperature
your inconsciousness gives you
firstaid in this torture!
As the napalm burns deeper
in your flesh to reach the nerves
the pain volatilizes
in the smoke as your body burns!

Die Violently!


Inmost Fears
Crawling alone in the darkness
with the last strokes of the light
hearing the growl of your foes
sneaking around..
-where they could be?!

Staring at the stairs
you just regret to get here
but it's too late to turn back
-the fog's floating..
oh I can't see!

When they reach too near
I won't be able to defend!
How does their touch feel
on my neck? -I can't defend!

Undead figures steps from the dark
corners around, you cannot fight..
see their eyes are old empty
long bygone to see the light.
Won't see you fall on your knees beggin
only the bloodlust functions work
to make you fall and lie bleeding
-Inmost fears come real within!


Step on Your Neck
Rushed by the angry mob
For the bile they run you through
In the burst of bullets spray
Overpowering you!

As you quicly run out
of bullets you're
pinned to the corner
Only to realize the death trap
You can never get out!

Falling on the ground
one by one being picked off
with obscured eyes can't help
scream for someone shove them back!
Only the horde keeps coming
seeing purple haze over you,
-covered by the boomer's bile
just try to bear the beating!

They close the range
They charge in with rage
No use to watch your back
They will step on your neck!

Bearing the powerful blows
hearing the cracking of bones
choked by the smashing of ribs
seeing your dismembered gibs!
No use to swing your gun
-to pick them one by one
Their outnumbering lot
will strike for letting your blood!
In embryo poze you lie
Enraged they're kicking your back
Fearing the moment you die
Their feet impact on your neck
Closing your eyes and stretch
until a critical blow
tears off your kidneys and liver
Devastation kills you now!

This ruined alley will be
the only morgue you got today
from here you'll be taken
to the state of rotting,
to be consumed by time
and eaten by the worms.
You serve the scavengers dishes,
forever you will rest in pieces!

Rushed by the angry mob
For the bile they ran you through
In the burst of bullets spray
Overpowered all of you!
As you quicly ran out
of bullets you were
pinned to the corner
Only to realize you're in trap
You can't escape the reaper!

Bearing the powerful blows
hearing the cracking of bones
choked by the smashing of ribs
seeing your dismembered gibs!
No use to swing your gun
-to pick them one by one
Their outnumbering lot
will strike for letting your blood!


Distant Cry
In every night
I've heared her crying
she was up all night
in terrible pain.

One twilight, late oktober
she told me not to cry
she will leave us
to rest and live a life.

Its a year now thats past
but I still hear her crying
her ghost haunts here
-sleepless nights for me

as I loved her so much
its a burden I let her!
in my dreams she returns always
sleepless life.. endless suffer.


Grim Raper
He has risen
from his old grave
-folded by mud and moss-
and creepy ivy.
His cold dry hands
thirst for the feel
-of livings hot blood-
to rejuvenate.

As he escapes
his ruined prison
he rushes in the town
to find his victim!
His rotten skin rejoice
in having a bath of blood,
dismembered corpses
left lying in the mud!

He's not ordinary
undead killer
he commits more sins
during a massacre.
With a dry tongue
he licks your skin
and rapes you from behind
before you know who's he been.

As he rapes you,
he will taste you more,
-tearing off your flash
and digging in for gore!
He's penetrating parts
breach more and more deeper,
you will know by then
he's the Grim Raper!


Reanimated mob
army of the dead
mandatory rage
agaist the signs of life!

Instinctive anger
never lasting pain
no sense of own willing
driven against the life!

Dried pale skins
Putrid smell of the dead
gore paints marks on their clothes
against the signs of life!

Everlasting hunger
cold and empty eyes
aura of fear
kill all the sense of life!

Army of the Dead!


Raping with Nails
No guns no more
-can cause the pain
to satifsy the lust
-that bleeds in my vein,
no cracking skulls
nor ribs blown
hurt enough to display
the agony on its own!

Drastical and deep impact
-Raping with the Nails!
Impaletion, Penetration
-Raping with the Nails!
Squishing blood-giving
-Raping with the Nails!
Torn flash, shocked brains,
-Raping with the Nails!

Only her Nails, those claws
are used to kill!
The blows for the clouds
of blood causes chill!
Absorb her pain
through mutilation
enjoy your gutting
and disruption!

Suffer the long-lasting pain of those seconds,
count down the time, cuz noone helps you out!
The witch is on you to rape you with nails
she picks you off cuz you been screwed-up!

Enjoy the blood, you've lost some weight
Die motherfucker, the death can't wait!
Give up and let your eyes dry open
Give your heart away on your last date!

Skin Halo
Dirty skin
on torn flesh
Broken bones
Dried in the mud.
Tied up
in tangle
You never come back to life!
Yet your skin
fights the light
of the Moon
Renounce! Deny!
Its pale and it glows
Aura of green light

As it shines
through the dark
Halo cuts the shadows.

As it lights
the dull scene
Your grudge grows.

The burning hatred
manifested in cold
Melts the perception
Neutral fear!
As you start
the rampage
the plants rot
on your step

Spread the plague
Towards humanity
The real filth!


Before Sacrifice
Here I stand
grew strong
in the battles against
pain and thought!

I'd never gave up
any act of war
and never will step aside,
now I hunger for more!

Only cowards try to escape
their engraved fate
But I greet the Death now,
as my last standing mate!

Death reaches for me,
but I stand unbroken
Count down for my sacrifice,
The letting of life's burden!

I dare you now
I fear none of you
I won't be crawling for a pray
Death is just making my day!

Buried in bloody gibs
explosion's tearing my ribs
Hell of a weight breaking my skull
Blood and gore chokes my soul


The Mourning
A new morning came
with gloomy ripples
twisting the clouds
and chills the air.
The dull fog sits
on the edge of the world
secreting the line
between death and life!

Misshapen figures
are casted to the earth
-once a solid pillar
its now holding your vessel.
Empty and diminishing
as the moon eclipses,
no sun sets and rises
above to light your wraith!

Don't hope to be mourned!
When the candlelights fold
your grave turns to ice
and the snow enwreathes!

New veil of darkness
eats the last beams
of light, fractured,
desaturates the night!
The aura of your bed
shines through the shroud
to reach the stones
-burden on your cheast!

Your time thicks slowly
echoes of the emptyness
paints lines to guid you
down to the stairs.
They are awaiting
all dressed in sullen gleams
reach their hands
and follow where they beckon!

Read the lines on your grave
inscribed by the sculptor of fate!
your name stands on it clear
but the numbers were ereased!
Stuck among your shadow
and your reflected body
to find yourself cutting the date
when you have met the Death!