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Geschrieben am Thursday, 24.May. @ 10:49:33 CEST von kiszolee

Gyula 2009



From 8 a.m.-to 24 p.m.

· Departure and registration in the Info centre

· Fireman bands meeting

· Flag acting anf official opening at the castle

· Greeting in the festival tent

· Friendly evening in the festival tent


At 9 a.m. Starting the skill competitions /Swim-

ming, shooting, fireman hurdles ,gocart,

paintball, the strongest fireman, bull

riding, bowling/

From 9 am Starting the excursions /Pusztaprog-

ram, flight program, Sight-seeing, mu-

seums, Travelling by ship, spa, other

programmes/Qualification of the bands

At 4 p.m. IFSO Chairmanship

At 5 p.m. Delegate meeting

Suprising program

At 7 p.m. Ending of the announcement of

results of the skill competitions

At 8 p.m Festival program, Friendly evening in

the festival tent


At 9 a.m. Following the skill competitions (It

depends on the applaying)

Starting the excursions /Puszta program

flight program, Sight-seeing, museums,

Travelling by ship, spa, other Program-

mes/Starting the Old-timers show (ref-

resments and meal)/Valuation of the

bands during the March/Concert toget-

her/Trade meeting

At 2 p.m Meeting at the castle and at the Nagy-

váradi street for the procession

At 2 30 p.m Starting the procession

At 6 p.m. Friendly evening in the festival tent,the

announcement of results of the skill

Competitions and band competitions


At 10 a.m. Ecumenical church service

At 11 a.m. Flag dissociation

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Gyula 2009

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Nemzetközi Tűzoltó Csillagtúra Gyula 2009. 05. 21-24.
Feuerwehrsternfahrt 2009 Gyula Ungarn
Az oldalt összeállította: Kis Zoltán E-mail:
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