Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Inherit forms
How to convert UNIX time to TDateTime and vice versa
How to flip, rotate and mirror bitmaps
Time Out an application
Least squares line fitting in Delphi


Listázott cikkek: 0-50
Article Title
1888 "barcode" checksum by modulus 10 (Views: 446)
1197 "Nonsense" error message "parameter mismatch for procedure" (Views: 443)
2058 "ntdll.DbgUserBreakPoint" during debug startup (Views: 452)
2748 ...delete a file permanently? (Views: 447)
1939 .Net, Java or Delphi (Views: 451)
1531 256bit keys for strong encryption (Views: 446)
1092 A 'MetaBalls' Demo (Views: 447)
1338 A Better TDateTimePicker (Views: 445)
2242 A Class for Get Tokens, Parse Strings, Count Words, Search Tokens (Views: 443)
2268 A Class for print Raw text to printer (Views: 444)
2534 A Class to Print Labels (Views: 444)
2284 A class to toggle image display in Internet Explorer 5 (Views: 444)
618 A collection of TPoint related functions (Views: 450)
1430 A combobox in a cell of a stringgrid (Views: 446)
2391 A Component that plots graphs (Views: 444)
2409 A component to prevent your form to be placed out of visible area (Views: 445)
606 A Delphi implementation of the Shellsort algorithm (Views: 442)
171 A Delphi translation of the IAutoComplete interface (Views: 470)
264 A detailed description of the WinHelp file format (Views: 446)
112 A flashing form (Views: 445)
2259 A form to rebuild the structure of Paradox Tables (Views: 446)
2698 A Hierarchy of Forms (Views: 443)
2351 A Quick Way to Shortcuts (Views: 468)
2437 A ScrollText Component (Views: 443)
2298 A simple class to implement multiple files "in a file" (Views: 444)
1569 A Simple example of Artificial Intelligence using Delphi Array (Views: 487)
2467 A simple File Comparison Utility (Views: 442)
2504 A Simple Notepad with Delphi 6 (Views: 471)
1307 A Simple Property Editor (Views: 447)
1252 A Simple Property Editor (2) (Views: 447)
373 A TDBImage component that reads and writes *.jpg images (Views: 443)
2529 A Trackbar like on the desktop volume control (Views: 444)
2288 A VCL Component to print labels (Views: 448)
715 A very simple way to create vertical labels (Views: 444)
2363 Abbreviating Array Properties (Views: 443)
1257 Abstraction of Runtime Queries from Code (Views: 446)
164 Accelerate database searches (Views: 446)
314 Accelerate TListView (Views: 443)
1583 Accept dropped files from the explorer (Views: 457)
2146 Accept files dragged over an application (Views: 447)
711 Accept mouse clicks only on non-transparent pixels of an image (Views: 443)
1291 Access and control a NT service (Views: 447)
2113 Access components by their name property (Views: 445)
490 Access the current row/column of a TMemo (Views: 446)
1477 Access the recent documents (Views: 445)
820 Access the serial port in Windows XP (Views: 446)
1644 Access TSpeedButtons in a TGroupBox (Views: 450)
1045 Accessing a TForm from a package (Views: 448)
999 Accessing DataBase via 3th server (Views: 445)
207 Accessing hidden properties (Views: 447)

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