Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to assign a system variable to a Session.PrivateDir
New to Delphi 5 - some properties are missing
Check if the mouse pointer is over or close to a line on a TCanvas
Save a TBitmap to a WBMP file
TScreen, TApplication used in a DLL


Listázott cikkek: 500-550
Article Title
122 Create your first console application to interact with forms (Views: 29)
2559 Create/Alter/Delete tables and fields in Access using SQL (Views: 29)
104 Creating "Dynamic" Arrays (Views: 28)
874 Creating "Hidden" Registry Values (Views: 31)
2484 Creating a component at runtime (Views: 29)
2202 Creating a Delphi-Expert (Part I) (Views: 33)
1836 Creating a descendant of a component to enhance functionality (Views: 35)
666 Creating a form without a title bar (Views: 31)
482 Creating a persistent BDE alias (Views: 30)
165 Creating a roll-up form (Views: 29)
246 Creating a simple HTTP Server (Views: 67)
696 Creating a simple Icon Handler for the Windows Explorer (Views: 29)
2502 Creating a splash screen (Views: 31)
357 Creating a System Restore Point (Views: 28)
1009 Creating a system tray application (Views: 29)
743 Creating a system wide shortcut or hotkey (Views: 28)
1059 Creating an ActiveX for ASP (Views: 30)
1420 Creating an equivalent to the missing TListView.OnColumnDblClick (Views: 28)
2295 Creating an Insertable ActiveX control for Microsoft Office (Views: 28)
2503 Creating component arrays (Views: 29)
2569 Creating data in Excel and copying it to Word from MS Office 97 (Views: 30)
2579 Creating HTML Dialogs (Views: 29)
245 Creating shaped forms (Views: 33)
2654 Creating Themed Custom Controls (Views: 29)
1239 Creating threads straight from the WinAPI (Views: 43)
2359 Creating two horizontal lines on your screen? (TDesktopCanvas) (Views: 30)
705 Creating visual objects at run-time (Views: 28)
1703 Creating weird shaped forms (Views: 28)
1255 Credit Card Validation (Views: 29)
1007 Credit Card Validation (2) (Views: 31)
2665 Crop a TBitmap or TBitmap32 automatically (Views: 28)
2130 Cross Debug Delphi 6 and CBuilder 5 Failure (Views: 28)
983 Cross-Site Scripting Protection (aka Encoding and Filtering HTML) (Views: 31)
1115 Cryptographic Random Numbers (Views: 31)
1159 Current date/time in InterBase (Views: 29)
1196 Custom Datasets (Views: 31)
2612 Custom Menus, Rotated Text, and Special Lines (Views: 31)
2141 Custom message identifier: WM_APP +? or WM_USER +? (Views: 27)
694 Custom sort a TCheckListBox (Views: 28)
2366 Customize the Open Dialog (Views: 29)
266 Customize Toolbars at runtime (Views: 29)
1101 Customizing the display of IBObject queries (Views: 28)
510 Data Encryption - How It Works... (Views: 31)
1445 Data Entry: Automagically Moving the Cursor (Views: 29)
716 Database "index out of date" error (Views: 29)
925 DataSet -> Strings -> DataSet (Views: 28)
387 Date and time of creation/modification of a file (Views: 29)
2189 DateTime String (any format) to TDateTime (Views: 28)
2555 dbExpress ... Better than BDE... (Views: 29)
1105 DBGrid Component that show deleted and updated and inserted new records in diffrent colors (Views: 28)

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