Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to convert a cursor file into a bitmap
How to change the default highlight color of a TListBox
Changing the screen resolution
Prevent a minimized window from restoring until a password is given


Listázott cikkek: 600-650
Article Title
1032 Description of Instancing and Threading Models in COM-servers (Views: 29)
2513 Designer instance for DataModules (Views: 27)
2214 Detect a form movement (Views: 29)
1879 Detect an HTTP proxy (Views: 28)
592 Detect an HTTP proxy from an Opera installation (Views: 29)
2269 Detect and download a new version (Views: 29)
2677 Detect if a new drive has been added (Views: 30)
261 Detect If an Application Has Stopped Responding (Views: 29)
830 Detect if Excel is installed (Views: 31)
1151 Detect if the scrollbars of a TStringGrid are visible (Views: 28)
487 Detect the current URL in Internet Explorer (Views: 28)
391 Detect the full path and file name of where the DLL is running from? (Views: 29)
2310 Detect UNIX textfiles (Views: 28)
364 Detect when a TPopupMenu is closed (Views: 30)
1948 Detect whether the default or the keypad Enter key was pressed (Views: 29)
135 Detect whether there is a sound card installed (Views: 28)
288 Detect whether your program runs in the IDE (Views: 29)
1984 Detect your own IP Address (Views: 30)
1109 Detecting database changes (Views: 29)
2390 Detecting simultaneous left and right mouse clicks (Views: 29)
704 Detecting Softice in W9x and NT (W2K - dunno) (Views: 28)
2723 Determine ADO and DAO Versions installed (Views: 29)
2692 Determine file and tree sizes larger 2 GB (Views: 32)
2015 Determine if a COM object is registered (Views: 28)
1929 Determine if a file is in use (Views: 28)
401 Determine if a given TTable has a restricted view (Views: 32)
208 Determine if a polygon is concave or not (Views: 32)
2518 Determine if a Unicode string is Baltic or Russian (Views: 28)
1408 Determine if ColCount has changed in a TStringGrid (Views: 28)
1094 Determine the default browser (Views: 29)
945 Determine the graphic format of a file (Views: 28)
633 Determine the maximum free disk space (Views: 28)
1395 Determine the processor speed in MHz (Views: 29)
1356 Determine the type of an EXE file (Views: 30)
1955 Determine the version of the BDE (Views: 29)
1211 Determine whether the computer supports hibernation, the sleep states (Views: 30)
2279 Determine whether the value in a variant type variable is an integer or a string (Views: 28)
2119 Determine which application is associated with a specific file name extension (Views: 32)
2151 Determine your LOCAL IP (Views: 31)
476 Determine your local IP using Winsock (Views: 28)
1455 Determining if a file name matches a specification (Views: 29)
1349 Determining if a string matches a pattern with wildcards ('?' and '*') (Views: 32)
1334 Determining if there is a disk/diskette/CD in a removable-disk drive (Views: 30)
1238 Determining the actual length of a DBCS string (multibyte-character ANSI string) (Views: 28)
1022 Determining the associated application (Views: 29)
1354 Determining the record number in a dBASE/Paradox table (Views: 28)
406 Develop a wizard driven style program (Views: 30)
242 Dialog with Oracle (Views: 29)
1172 DialogUnits To Pixels (Views: 28)
281 Difference between SQL Server and MSSQL in BDE Adminstration SERVER TYPE (Views: 27)

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