Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to search a string with wildcards
How to set tab stops in a TMemo
Modifying Table Stucture in Access MDB Files With Delphi Without Access with the Microsoft Jet 4.0 ANSI SQL-92 Extensions
How to control the volume of an audio card without disturbing the balance
Controlling the Field Display in a TDBGrid


Listázott cikkek: 1150-1200
Article Title
2125 How to compare two images pixel by pixel (Views: 32)
519 How to compare two pf24bit images (Views: 38)
923 How to compare two strings and measure the percentage they match (Views: 34)
649 How to compute the centroid of a polygon (Views: 42)
1232 How to connect a TRadioGroup to a TCheckListBox (Views: 30)
1672 How to connect or disconnect all tables in a datamodule (Views: 36)
1309 How to connect to a mySQL database (Views: 32)
1301 How to control focus in a MDI application (Views: 29)
1000 How to control the hint position (Views: 29)
1400 How to control the MIDI speaker output volume (Views: 30)
1205 How to control the positioning of MDI child forms (Views: 32)
146 How to control the print margins when printing a TRichEdit (Views: 32)
736 How to control the scroll buffer of a TMemo (Views: 32)
172 How to control the volume of an audio card without disturbing the balance (Views: 32)
1003 How to control where text is dropped into a TMemo (Views: 30)
2111 How to convert a *.bmp file to a *.jpg file (Views: 33)
1207 How to convert a bitmap or icon to Hex code (Views: 38)
344 How to convert a currency value into a string (Views: 36)
1425 How to convert a cursor file into a bitmap (Views: 32)
1139 How to convert a hex color to its HTML counterpart (Views: 35)
739 How to convert a Paradox table to a fixed length ASCII table (Views: 33)
1441 How to convert a String To a PChar and PChar to String (Views: 76)
2044 How to convert a string to DateTime using a format mask (Views: 38)
1891 How to convert a TMemoryStream to an OLE variant and vice versa (Views: 33)
1265 How to convert a truecolor bitmap to greyscale (Views: 34)
2192 How to convert a word wrap in a TMemo to a CR/LF (Views: 32)
1594 How to convert accented characters to unaccented ones (Views: 31)
1611 How to convert an integer value to a Roman Numeral representation (Views: 35)
880 How to convert decimal numbers to fractions (Views: 32)
1669 How to convert extended characters into their HTML character entities (Views: 31)
727 How to convert TColor values to RGB or HLS values and vice versa (Views: 35)
1168 How to convert the content of a TRichEdit into a bitmap (Views: 31)
1403 How to convert the mouse coordinates into a line and character offset in a TRichEdit (Views: 35)
933 How to convert UNIX time to TDateTime and vice versa (Views: 32)
1097 How to copy a *.bmp file from a floppy disc to a blob field (Views: 30)
430 How to copy a 2D array with picture greylevels to an image (Views: 34)
1587 How to copy a 2D array with picture greylevels to an image (2) (Views: 32)
2026 How to copy a bitmap, picture or metafile from the clipboard? (Views: 31)
465 How to copy a polygon region from one bitmap to another (Views: 29)
1057 How to copy a record from one table to another (Views: 29)
52 How to copy a running program to a given folder (Views: 34)
576 How to copy all files from one directory to another (Views: 46)
1950 How to copy all files from one directory to another (2) (Views: 33)
745 How to copy all settings from a MenuItem made at designtime to a MenuItem created at runtime (Views: 33)
1492 How to copy data from a TMemoryStream to a string without using an array of char as buffer (Views: 39)
1733 How to copy folders from one drive to another (Views: 35)
950 How to copy multiple files into one (Views: 31)
2112 How to copy multiple files into one (2) (Views: 30)
1766 How to copy one TRichEdit to another (Views: 33)
497 How to copy records to the same table (Views: 35)

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