Articles number: 2748

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Play Musical Notes via PC Speaker Class
Four different ways to load and play sound files


Listázott cikkek: 1750-1800
Article Title
466 How to restructure a TTable (Views: 309)
828 How to retrieve all available TBrushStyle values as a list of strings (Views: 304)
2135 How to retrieve all string properties and their values from any TObject descendant (Views: 306)
534 How to retrieve and change display settings (Views: 306)
1250 How to retrieve and display a TJPEGImage from a Paradox blob field (Views: 305)
1837 How to retrieve cell values of a TDBGrid using MouseCoord (Views: 309)
1179 How to retrieve rich text from a resource file and save it to disk (Views: 304)
236 How to retrieve row information in a TDBGrid (Views: 305)
786 How to retrieve selected rows in a TDBGrid (Views: 305)
304 How to retrieve the icons of a MessageBox (Views: 306)
352 How to retrieve the last character in a TMemo (Views: 312)
1549 How to retrieve the text of a single-line edit control (Views: 309)
1899 How to retrieve the version stamp of a file (Views: 307)
371 How to retrieve version info of system DLL's (Views: 309)
1343 How to return a variant type property value based on the text name of the property (Views: 302)
1047 How to reverse a string (Views: 307)
418 How to reverse the byte order of integer values of all sizes (Views: 306)
1894 How to rotate a 2D point (Views: 306)
918 How to rotate a TBitmap smoothly (Views: 304)
1287 How to run an application in a TOLEContainer without using the Insert Object dialog (Views: 306)
1537 How to run an application in systray mode (Views: 302)
1830 How to run the Netscape Navigator automatically after closing a form (Views: 306)
2143 How to save / load a ScanLine to / from a stream (Views: 308)
179 How to save / load any TPicture-contained TGraphic to / from a stream (Views: 307)
1868 How to save 32 bit bitmaps in 24 bit bmp format (Views: 309)
2108 How to save a complete directory (Views: 306)
2067 How to save a metafile displayed in a TImage as a bitmap (Views: 307)
1025 How to save a Paradox blob field to a file (Views: 305)
75 How to save a password to the registry (Views: 307)
620 How to save a TCollectionItem from a component to a stream (Views: 319)
1107 How to save a TFont in a stream (Views: 310)
1404 How to save a TJPEGImage to a blob field (Views: 305)
679 How to save and load a TList to / from a stream (Views: 310)
995 How to save and load a TList with records and TStrings objects (Views: 307)
218 How to save and load printer settings to/from the registry (Views: 307)
141 How to save and load the captions of all components on a form to / from a text file (Views: 310)
1380 How to save and restore font properties in the registry (Views: 307)
1858 How to save and restore font properties in the registry (2) (Views: 305)
290 How to save and restore font properties in the registry (3) (Views: 303)
1375 How to save and restore font selections to a text file (Views: 306)
498 How to save and restore the position of TCoolBar bands (Views: 310)
2549 How to save and retrieve font information to / from a TIniFile (Views: 304)
1665 How to save components to a file or stream (Views: 309)
993 How to save components to a file or stream (2) (Views: 311)
819 How to save components to a file or stream (3) (Views: 308)
1242 How to save items of a TComboBox to an ini file (Views: 307)
1339 How to save multiple records and an integer into one file (Views: 302)
2032 How to save object property data to a stream (Views: 309)
1475 How to save several TBitmaps into one file (Views: 309)
947 How to save the canvas of a TPaintBox to a *.bmp file (Views: 304)

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