Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Simple way to rotate region
Preventing a user from closing a window except at shutdown or restart
How to access data from two different databases
How to disable and reenable the Windows start button
How to create isometric maps


Listázott cikkek: 2000-2050
Article Title
2120 Insert a row in a TStringGrid at a certain position (Views: 28)
2729 Insert a row into an existing table in a Word document (Views: 27)
1253 Insert text at a Bookmark (Views: 27)
2299 Insert text at bookmark positions of a Word document (Views: 27)
2734 Insert Zero converted number to text (Views: 27)
1353 Inside Delphi's Classes and Interfaces Part I (Views: 27)
1541 Inside Delphi's Classes and Interfaces Part II (Views: 28)
872 Installer problem: '-115 error' (Views: 27)
2102 Installing BDE from BDEINST.CAB (Views: 27)
2554 InterBase 6 (Views: 27)
1520 Interbase and standard database components (Views: 27)
2483 Interbase Backup on the Fly in a thread (Views: 28)
2270 Interbase Object for executing all the Interbase commands at Run time (Views: 27)
2658 InterBase Stored Procedures (Views: 29)
2237 Interbase Sweep on the Fly in a thread (Views: 28)
90 InterBase: "lock manager out of room" (Views: 28)
469 InterBase: Error msg about file 'SAA.AAA' (Views: 27)
2166 InterBase: Recover uncommitted work (Views: 28)
531 InterBase: What is the SQL command to create new users? (Views: 28)
2745 Intercept Internet Explorer messages (Views: 27)
2328 Intercepting Windows messages in non-visual components (Views: 27)
762 Interesting API calls part I : detecting simultaneous keystrokes (Views: 27)
1813 Interfacing between Web and Applications (Views: 27)
1391 Internet Explorer Automation (Views: 29)
522 Interrupt a thread's execution (Views: 27)
603 Introduction to COM (Views: 27)
2550 Introduction to SSL (Views: 28)
488 Introductory Principles of Indexed Searching (Views: 27)
2427 Invert colors in a TImage (Views: 29)
2405 Invert someones desktop for fun (has usefull code) (Views: 27)
1988 Invert the color of a TEdit (Views: 27)
580 Invisible title - hide the program's title bar (Views: 27)
2305 Is font "X" installed? (Views: 27)
1440 ISAPI Filter Header Files (Views: 27)
2233 ISAPI FILTER* LOADER - On the fly updating of your ISAPI filter without restarting web services (Views: 27)
949 Italian tax payer code checksum algorithm (Views: 28)
2316 JIT Activation/Deactivation in COM+ (Views: 28)
2685 Join two TMetaFile (Views: 27)
1716 Jump to a certain key in Regedit (Views: 27)
154 Jumping between compiler errors (Views: 27)
601 Justify the caption of a TForm (Views: 27)
156 Karp-Rabin string searching (Views: 27)
1244 Keep a dataset in dsInsert/dsEdit mode after validation fails (Views: 28)
400 Keep other forms visible while minimizing the main form (Views: 28)
901 Keep your IF ... ELSE conditions reduced to a minimum (Views: 27)
396 Kernel32.dll Interactive Applications (Views: 28)
1225 Keystroke recording and playing back in the IDE (Views: 27)
521 Kill a task (Views: 27)
2542 Kill an application without any confirmation (Views: 27)
2315 Knowing Run-Time verses Design-Time mode in an Active Form (Views: 27)

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