Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Write a correct date in SQL
Save and load TListView items to / from a file (2)
How to control the volume of an audio card without disturbing the balance
Resize a *.jpg image and save the result to a file
How to shift focus between buttons programmatically


Listázott cikkek: 2300-2350
Article Title
1992 Read or write in the summary information of an Office document (Views: 439)
205 Read out Edit / EditBox from another application even if it says: "*****" (Views: 439)
842 Read the content of an Excel object embedded in a Word document (Views: 441)
1898 Read the content of Internet Explorer's "Favourites" folder (Views: 442)
1198 Read the content of Internet Explorer's "History" folder (Views: 441)
1437 Read the current code page of system (Views: 438)
47 Read the properties of a Word document (Views: 443)
1550 Reading a Field's Value into a TStrings Property (Views: 555)
996 Reading and Writing System-Wide Environment Variables (Views: 440)
2212 Reading information from an AVI file (Views: 439)
710 Reading the IIS Meta Base (Views: 439)
648 Reading Unix ASCII files (Views: 440)
2396 Reboot, log off, shut down or turn off the system (Views: 442)
982 Rebuilding SysUtils.dcu: Cannot Find FFMT.OBJ (Views: 441)
1128 Recompile a component that is in a package (Views: 440)
1778 Reconnecting to network shares with the help of a Component. (Views: 439)
2349 Redefining TCP/IP Client... (Views: 440)
2368 Reducing Source Code Complexity in your application (Views: 439)
858 Reference a column of a TDBGrid by name instead of integer index (Views: 439)
1954 Refocus a cell in a TStringGrid (Views: 439)
850 Refresh the Windows Desktop (Views: 438)
1684 Register your own file extensions in the Windows registry (Views: 440)
553 Registering a file type on Windows 9x/2000/NT (Views: 448)
1069 Registering an ActiveX for its class (Views: 439)
447 Remote Execute Function (Unix REXEC) (Views: 444)
817 Remote NT/W2000 Server Admin and Information Classes (Views: 445)
2234 Remote port scanner (Views: 439)
1877 Remove all components of a certain type at run time (Views: 439)
2367 Remove extra spaces from a string (Views: 440)
2157 Remove the border of a TPageControl (Views: 439)
2739 Remove the minimize,maximize,restore and system menu buttons from a QuickReport (Views: 441)
2446 Remove the popup menu from Flash's ActiveX (Views: 443)
2712 Render a TRichEdit text onto a canvas (Views: 442)
598 Reorder a TPageControl at runtime (Views: 439)
303 Reorder the items of a TCheckListBox by using drag and drop (Views: 442)
2638 replace characters while typing (Views: 442)
2022 Replace Text in Bookmarks in WORD (Views: 439)
678 Replace the default scrollbar of a TStringGrid with buttons (Views: 438)
2034 Replacement for the C ternary conditional operator "?" (Views: 440)
1754 Reporting file size in a descriptive string (Views: 438)
2312 Resize a *.jpg image and save the result to a file (Views: 440)
2235 Resize a *.jpg image and save the result to a file (2) (Views: 439)
2477 Resize a TBitmap quickly (Views: 440)
1863 Resize a TControl object graphically (Views: 445)
145 Resize a TForm in steps (Views: 439)
2740 Resize a TPanel at runtime (Views: 439)
1535 Resize all controls when the parent form is resized (Views: 441)
2475 Resolution independent applications (Views: 440)
1161 Respond to Windows messages (Views: 441)
961 Responding to Windows Messages (Views: 442)

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