Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Hacking the Help Files
Control Panel Applets
Changing extension in Save Dialog
BDE Safe Configuration check
Solving some problems of the TRichEdit component


Listázott cikkek: 2450-2500
Article Title
1280 Set margins in a TMemo (Views: 2141)
1484 Set minimum/maximum values for a resizable form (Views: 2141)
917 Set system date and time (Views: 2141)
2193 Set the background colour of a word in a TRichEdit (Views: 2141)
2060 Set the character format in a TRichEdit to subscript or superscript (Views: 2141)
393 Set the current screensaver (Views: 2142)
226 Set the Cursor Speed (Views: 2142)
1103 Set the Desktop as the initial directory (Views: 2141)
157 Set the level of transparency for a TForm (Views: 2141)
1259 Set the position of a help window (Views: 2141)
1995 Set the resolution of your screen (Views: 2141)
1376 Set the selected block to upper case/lower case (Views: 2141)
1999 Set the wallpaper with your application in Win32 (Views: 2141)
2661 Sets to Strings, and Back (Views: 2141)
2528 Setting environment variables (Views: 2141)
2625 Setting NTFS File/Folder Security (Views: 2141)
2096 Setting Properties (Views: 2141)
1296 Setting read-only columns in StringGrid (Views: 2141)
977 Setting the invisible color of a transparent image (Views: 2142)
2164 Several color rows in TStringGrid (Views: 2142)
2294 Shaking a form (Views: 2141)
812 Share memory among several instances of a DLL (Views: 2141)
1060 Shift, Ctrl, Alt Key checking (Views: 2141)
2043 Show a hint for an iconized application (Views: 2141)
2148 Show a secondary form without the main form (Views: 2141)
483 Show a window "TopMost" - even when it is inactive (Views: 2142)
2615 Show bullets in a TRichEdit (Views: 2141)
1080 Show different hints in a TStringGrid at runtime (Views: 2141)
1963 Show images in the cells of a TStringGrid (Views: 2141)
436 Show system icons in Windows XP (Views: 2141)
1487 Show the buffer contents of the GetLogicalDriveStrings function in a TMemo (Views: 2141)
572 Show the property dialog for a file (Views: 2141)
515 Show the system menu of a window at the current mouse cursor position (Views: 2142)
571 Show the Windows Hierarchy (Views: 2141)
1023 Show/Hide the "Start" button (Views: 2141)
2607 Shuffling data using a parallel algorithm (Views: 2141)
1798 Shutdown, Reboot, Logoff, Monitor Off and Suspend mode functions (Views: 2141)
1149 Shutting down a machine across the network (Views: 2141)
2407 SignalDisplay component (Views: 2141)
1061 Simple Animated Bit- and SpeedButtons (Views: 2141)
1601 Simple HTML parsing and painting (Views: 2141)
2540 Simple Implementation of LZW Compression/Decompression Algorithm (Views: 2141)
2557 Simple Query Builder using ADO Components (Views: 2141)
2689 Simple TBitmap blur algorithm (Views: 2143)
150 Simple Thread Example (Views: 2155)
1167 Simple useful Irc routines for server protocol (Views: 2141)
1637 Simple way to rotate region (Views: 2141)
1556 Simulate a mouse click on our form (control) (Views: 2141)
504 Simulate an OnCheck event for TListView checkboxes (Views: 2141)
2273 Simulate Mouse Clicks and Moves (Views: 2141)

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