Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Cross Debug Delphi 6 and CBuilder 5 Failure
How to store TForms and / or their properties in a Paradox blob field
How to limit the number of characters per line and the number of lines in a TMemo (2)
Crop a TBitmap or TBitmap32 automatically
How to create unique numbers for a primary index field


Listázott cikkek: 250-300
Article Title
178 Change the look of Hint Window in the Delphi IDE (Views: 30)
1725 Change the position of a list item in a TListView (Views: 29)
639 Change the position of a list item in a TListView (2) (Views: 29)
1110 Change the position of a list item in a TListView (3) (Views: 30)
1414 Change the position of a list item in a TListView (4) (Views: 31)
1757 Change the primary mouse button (Views: 29)
1055 Change the project default directory (Views: 28)
2594 Change the TreeView item height (Views: 30)
297 Change the Windows start button bitmap (Views: 28)
1967 Changing extension in Save Dialog (Views: 29)
2392 Changing folder in Open/Save dialogs (Views: 28)
1838 Changing Position of Current Played Track in TMediaPlayer (Views: 30)
1764 Changing properties for all components of a certain type (Views: 29)
2543 Changing standard Windows dialogs (Views: 33)
2286 Changing system date and time in Windows (Views: 29)
1912 Changing the screen resolution (Views: 30)
2089 Changing the z-order of controls (Views: 31)
1248 Check for a duplicate key index programmatically (Views: 29)
405 Check for an existing worksheet in Excel (Views: 31)
2430 Check for exe files and DLLs (Views: 29)
617 Check how many COM ports are available (Views: 28)
1751 Check if a component sits on a normal TForm or on an ActiveX one (Views: 29)
795 Check if a console application is running in full screen mode (Views: 32)
1599 Check if a point is on a Bezier curve (Views: 29)
507 Check if a Point(x, y) is under the mouse cursor (Views: 28)
2640 Check if a printer supports postscript (Views: 30)
1618 Check if a TForm has already been created (Views: 29)
1821 Check if a TTreeView is fully expanded or collapsed (Views: 29)
2710 Check if a user has administrator rights in NT (Views: 32)
1180 Check if ActiveX is installed on a target machine (Views: 28)
358 Check if Delphi is running (Views: 29)
922 Check if Internet Explorer is running and get the source of the page that is displayed (Views: 33)
911 Check if Microsoft Word is installed? (Views: 28)
646 Check if MS SQL Server is reachable (Views: 28)
2059 Check if OLE object is installed (Views: 32)
2160 Check if scrollbars are present in a TListView (Views: 29)
1726 Check if the BDE is installed (Views: 31)
185 Check if the current printer is ready to print in color (Views: 31)
2743 Check if the mouse cursor is outside a TForm (Views: 30)
416 Check if the mouse is over a tab of a TTabControl (Views: 29)
1667 Check if the mouse pointer is over or close to a line on a TCanvas (Views: 29)
2525 Check if the PC is connected to the Internet (Views: 29)
211 Check the BDE version in your application (Views: 29)
525 Check whether a user has a shortcut installed (Views: 29)
1812 Check which column of a TListView in vsReport style has been clicked (Views: 28)
1218 Check which subitem of a TListView's ListItem was clicked (Views: 29)
194 Check which subitem of a TListView's ListItem was clicked (2) (Views: 28)
2336 Checking for a LAN connection (Views: 28)
2069 Checking for Numlock and Capslock and displaying on Statusbar (Views: 31)
2243 Checking if a URL is valid (Views: 32)

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