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Rocket tank
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Rocket tank
S.W.I.N.E. 2.3.9 HD unit properties

S.W.I.N.E. 2.3.9 HD units properties comparing to 1.9 version.

I wanted to make other tanks more valuable so the players maybe buy not only Mortars and Rocket launchers in multiplayer mode.
With this the game and the armies can be more variable.

The Mine Layer and Artillery is now much better and also worth mentioning Tank killer, Hard tank and Light tank.
I note for pro players, that the Mortar and the Rocket launcher actually not changed.

My aim was to play more joyful games in multiplayer with limited Fuel and Ammo.
Originally on an average online battle the fuel ran out under 15-20 mins (at Mortairs and Rocket Launchers).
So You had to refuel for examples 12 units with 1200 liter Fuel.
It is unenjoyable to refuel 12 units one by one in every 15 min (and it takes quite long time).
That is why the fuel consumption reduced.

If we switch on unlimited Ammo, then for examples it does not matter, that Light tank has much more ammo than Mortar.
So it does not make sense to give advantage or disadvantage with more or less Ammo.
That is why all units have 640 / Damage Ammo.
For examples: the Rocket launcher has 8 Damage, so it has (640 / 8 = 80) 80 Ammo.
For examples: the Light tank has 7 Damage, so it has (640 / 7 = 90) 90 Ammo.
My aim was, to have enough Ammo for at least 3 mins.

For the more beautiful graphic I checked all crawler tanks wheel track.
So all crawler tanks wheel track are accurate.

The new value first and then the old value in brackets.


    Rabbit command vehicle:
  • Unit size = 0.7, (0.8)

  • Minimum shoot range = 0.7, (0)
  • Maximum shoot range = 7, (6)
  • Speed = 72, (67)
  • Ammo = 160, (120)
  • Damage = 4, (3), Now it can make damage on Mortar with Extra Armor. => The Mortar and the Moving Fortress is not immortal for Scout.
  • Reload time = 1.5, (1), Because the Damage is increased.

    Light tank:
  • Damage = 7.0, (6.5), Now it can make damage on Mortar with Extra armor when it is in defensive mode. => The Mortar is not immortal for Light tank.
  • Reload time = 5.0, (4.5), Because the Damage is increased.
  • In defensive mode it can not move in the ground. 15 years old bug fixed.

    Pig Light tank:
  • Minimum shoot range = 1.1, (0), Gun barrel longness.
  • Speed = 45, (40), I aligned to the Rabbit Light Tank.

    Rabbit Light tank:
  • Hit point = 80, (85)
  • Top armor = 2, (1), I aligned to the Pig Tank. If the Top armor would be different, I would not choose rabbits.
  • Minimum shoot range = 0.8, (0)

    Rabbit Tank killer:
  • Upgrades = Telescope and Turbo boost added, (Was not available)
  • Front armor = 1.0, (0.5), It was not enough.
  • Speed = 65, (60)
  • Ammo = 80, (40)
  • Damage = 8.0, (7.5)
  • Shot angle = 28, (20), Not to shoot the ground.

    Pig Heavy tank:
  • Price = 600, (650)
  • Front armor = 3.0, (2.5), The Mortar in defensive mode has 5.5 Side armor and 120 Health point. Heavy tank has 2 Side armor and 100 Health point.
  • Top armor = 2.5, (2), Now it is stronger than Tank.
  • Minimum shoot range = 1.4, (1), Gun barrel longness.
  • Maximum shoot range = 8.0, (7.5)
  • Ammo = 70, (80)
  • Damage = 9, (8), Biger thank Light tank. Tank Damage + 2.
  • Reload time = 5.5, (5), Because the Damage is increased.

  • Hit point = 75, (65), Harder to destroy.
  • Front armor = 1.5, (1)
  • Back armor = 1, (0)
  • Top armor = 1.5, (1)
  • Sight = 8, (6), It was small.
  • Maximum shoot range = 24, (22)
  • Speed = 55, (45), Now it can escape from Light tank / Tank.
  • Spin speed = 70, (65)
  • Turret speed = 70, (65)
  • Ammo = 90, (70)
  • Damage = 7.0, (6.5), Now it can make damage on Mortar with Extra armor when it is in defensive mode. => The Mortar is not immortal for Artillery.
  • Shot angle = 35, (40), When the Shoot angle is bigger than 35, sometimes it do not hit the target. This usually happen on hillsides.
    EXTRA: Changing between attack mode and defensive mode is faster.

    Rocket launcher tank:
  • Ammo = 80, (45)
  • Shot angle = 35, (25), To prevent Shoot into sky [bug].

    Rabbit Rocket launcher tank:
  • Front armor = 1.5, (1), Like pig Rocket launcher tank.

  • Ammo = 45, (25)
  • Special time = 4, (5), It was slow.

    Mine layer:
  • Front armor = 2, (1)
  • Back armor = 1.0, (0.5)
  • Top armor = 1.5, (1)
  • Sight = 14, (5), Less chance to get caught on mine laying.
  • Minimum shoot range = 14, (0)
  • Speed = 55, (45), You can escape more easily.
  • Ammo = 45, (25), I aligned to Mortar.

  • Hit point = 2, (5)
  • Damage = 45, (25), The Towing vehicle has 50 Health point, so it is garanteed, that it survive one Mine.
  • Front armor = 3, (0)
  • Back armor = 3, (0)
  • Top armor = 5, (0)

    Moving fortress:
  • Price = 1400, (1500), We can not buy more than earlier.
  • Unit size = 1.6, (1.3)
  • Speed = 30, (25), It was too slow.
  • Shot angle = 30, (40)

    Towing vehicle:
  • Upgrades = Now it can be equiped with Mine detector, (Was not available)
  • Sight = 6, (4), Sometimes it hit other tanks, because of the small sight.
  • Minimum shoot range = 6, (0), Equal with Sight.

    Pig Towing vehicle:
  • Unit size = 1.1, (1.2)

    Trailers (Ammunition, Fuel, Repair):
  • Sight = 3.5, (3), Because the Maimum shoot range is increased.
  • Maximum shoot range = 4.5, (4), We have more comfortable place.
  • Ammo speed = 2.1, (2)

  • Speed = 250, (150), Faster delivery.

  • Speed = 240, (250), For technical reasons I had to change it.
  • Damage = 26, (25)

    Artillery bunker:
  • Unit size = 1.6, (1.5)
  • Ammo = 160, (70)

    Mortar bunker:
  • Ammo = 105, (70)

    Airdefense bunker:
  • Unit size = 1.3, (1.5)
  • Ammo = 105, (120)

    CTF flag:
  • Vulnerable, (Invulnerable)
  • Hit point = 5, (10000000)
  • Unit size = 0.1, (0)

    Upgrade: sight:
  • Price = 25, (50)
  • Sight = 3, (2)

    Upgrade: Pig beer, Rabbit carrot:
  • Price = 25, (50)

2016 All rights reserved: Digi.
2018.07.08. Frissítve
2016.11.26. Frissítve
2016.11.25. Frissítve
2014.09.10. Frissítve

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