What causes the pay gap between men and women according to the BérBarométer database?

The decomposition of factors carried out by using the so-called Oaxaca and Blinder method shows the surprising result that:

  • the aggregated endowment effect is 7.2% (which means that women's wages - without the remuneration effect - should be 7.2% more than the wages of men due to the different distribution of the endowment factors.)
  • the aggregated remuneration effect is 26.9% (which means that women's wage would be 26.9% less due to the remuneration effect if the endowment (structural) characteristics of men and women were equal.)

The aggregated resultant of the two effects is 17.7% which means that the wage of men is actually 17.7% higher than that of women.

Such pay gaps which cannot be explained with reasons deriving from the endowment effect could mostly be found when men and women are compared by level of education, position and years of experience. Along with the increase of the years of experience increases the remuneration effect, after 11 years it is over 30% more than the remuneration effect of the people having 0-3 years of experience. Strong subjective effect can be observed in case of women having college or university degree (the remuneration effect is 22%) and a slightly lower remuneration effect is shown (7.4%) in case of mental, administrative work compared to the results of the reference groups.