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hemodialysis h e m o d i A L i s i s hilum H I l u m hydronephrosis h i dr o n e FR O s i s hyperkalemia h i p e rk a L E m e a hyponatremia h i p o n a TR E m e a interstitial nephritis i nt e rST I sh u l n e FR I t i s intravesical i ntr a V E S i k a l ketonuria k e t o n U r e a ketosis k e T O s i s kidney K I Dn e lithotripsy L I TH o tr i ps e meatal stenosis m e A t a l st e N O s i s meatus m e A t u s medulla m e D U L a or m e D U L a medullary M E D u l a r e MRI urography MRI u R O Gr a f e nephrolithiasis n e fr o l i TH I a s i s URINARY SYSTEM TERM PRONUNCIATION MEANING nephrolithotomy n e fr o l i TH O T o m e nephron N E Fr o n nephropathy n e FR O p a th e nephroptosis n e fr o pT O s i s nephrostomy n e FR O St o m e nephrotic syndrome n e FR O T i k S I Ndr o m nitrogenous waste n i TR O J e n u s w a st nocturia n o kT U r e a oliguria o l i G U r e a parenchyma p a r E Nk i m a paranephric p a r a N E Fr i k peritoneal dialysis p e r i t o N E a l d i A L i s i 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