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John sat at the table, slowly sipping his iced tea and watching people walk by the window. He was waiting, hoping to see if Joe would show up. He wasn't sure if he would show—he hadn't been able to talk to him directly; instead he left a message on his voicemail basically telling him he was in town for a day or so and would like to get together. In high school and at the start of college, John had two best friends, Joe and Mike. The three of them were rarely seen apart. They were the original Three Musketeers and The Three Stooges all rolled into an odd trio. They had finished high school together and headed out to the same university in Montgomery, Alabama. They remained great friends though the first year of college, and although Joe dropped out of school after that, they still hung out together as Mike and John worked through the second year at school. It was during summer vacation that year that their relationship changed. Lifting his glass and nodding his head to the waitress, John got his tea refilled. He tore open a packet of sweetener and poured it into his tea, then took a sip as he remembered how excited the three friends were when they started out that first week in June. They were nearly three-quarters of the way to Pensacola Beach when they finally stopped for lunch... John and Mike sat at the table betting on whether Joe would make it back from the jukebox before being accosted by some of the girls there. Joe was the complete ladies man with long, straight dark hair that was always perfectly combed and deep dark brown eyes fringed with long eyelashes. He was thin with features so delicate he was usually more beautiful than any of the girls who chased him. Sure enough, Joe suddenly veered off and sat down with a bunch of girls. Eventually, he would return to his friends' table with three of the girls, so Mike and John just sat and waited. Mike usually did well enough with the girls. He was a gymnast with blonde hair and perfectly sculpted muscles. He didn't have the delicate features Joe did; he had a more rugged look, a distinctive nose and a square cut to his jaw. He also was comfortable talking with pretty much anyone and within minutes could have even the most reticent person laughing out loud. Mike was definitely the clown of the three. John was the slow one with the ladies. He was a football player in high school, but wasn't good enough for college ball, and the lack of vigorous exercise at practice caused him to put on some pounds. He wasn't fat, but was heavier than he felt comfortable about. This and his shyness were always a problem for him when he met any women. Redirecting his thoughts back to that summer vacation, John remembered that it was Rod Stewart's "Maggie May" playing on the jukebox as Joe appeared at the table and invited three girls to sit with them. For the next hour or so, Joe had the girls drooling, Mike kept the group laughing, and John sat quietly, worrying that they might not find a hotel with a room available if they didn't get moving. In the end, it turned out the girls were still in high school, and although the Joe and Mike got phone numbers, they tossed them once they got back in the car. "Definite jailbait," Joe complained, starting his car. "Hopefully the girls we meet at the beach will be in college," Mike had replied. "In college and ready to party," Joe said, flooring the car and speeding out toward the highway, while the Guess Who blared on the cassette player, "No sugar tonight for coffee. . ." They arrived late at night but fortunately found a hotel with some vacancies, something that surprised John considering it was their vacation season. The three of them unloaded Joe's Plymouth Barracuda and stocked up the room. It was after midnight when they finally crashed, Joe and Mike in the beds, John on the couch. The next day, they found the beach empty. They headed to a local restaurant for breakfast, where they learned that most of the local schools were not out for the summer until the following week. Apparently the schools missed several days of school due to the hurricane that hit last September and they had to stay in school until mid June. That explained how they were able to get the room. They tried to make the best of it, walking the nearly empty beaches and swimming out into the ocean even though it was still quite chilly that early in June. While on the beach, Mike and Joe actually found a couple of local girls to hit on, but they had to head back to the mainland early in the afternoon. The three guys drank a few beers in the room before going to sleep that night. Glancing at his watch, John thought that if Joe got his message he should be walking through the door of the restaurant in just a few minutes. He wondered if Joe still made the dramatic entries he always used to. John could see it now, that Barracuda pulling up to a space, Joe stepping out of the driver's seat, checking his hair in the side mirror, and then stepping into the room like he was some rock god. Letting his mind slip back to the hotel room on the third night of their summer vacation John remembered Joe barging into the bathroom with the same confident air that he had entered every door John had seen... John was in the shower stroking himself slowly. Suddenly, Joe pulled back the shower curtain and all John could do was stand there as the water slowly rinsed the soap off his erect cock. "What the hell?" he cried out, turning to the side and crouching down in an attempt to hide his erection. "Hey man, calm down. Nothing to be ashamed of," Joe said. As John relaxed and stood back up Joe smiled. He then simply reached out and gently grabbed it, whispering, "Turn off the water, I don't want to mess up my hair." He then began moving his hand back and forth along the shaft. John reached over, turned off the water, and watched as Joe slowly kneeled down. He moved to the edge of the tub as Joe gently pulled John's cock and leaned forward. John just watched in silence as Joe slid his mouth over his erection and began moving his head back and forth. John had already been close to coming before Joe walked in, so it didn't take too long before he was breathing hard, pumping his hips back and forth. "Oh damn that feels good," John moaned as he looked down and watched his cock slipping in and out of the mouth of his friend. He moved his hands down and ran his fingers through Joe's hair, simply letting the sensations in his cock run through his entire body. Feeling the pleasure overtake him, he arched his back and came, spurting his cum into Joe's mouth. Without letting the cock slip from his mouth, Joe swallowed and continued sucking lightly as John's erection subsided. Joe finally pulled away and gently milked the last drops of cum from John's cock. Joe licked up the last of it and then stood up, saying, "You better not have messed up my hair." John grabbed a towel and quickly dried off as Joe stepped over to the sink and checked his hair in the mirror. He then slipped out of the bathroom. By the time John finished drying off, Joe was already naked, sitting on the edge of one of the beds. John paused, looking at his friend in a way he'd never looked at him before. He'd seen Joe naked plenty of times in the showers after gym, but now, now it was different. John felt an odd tingling, like butterflies in his stomach as he looked at his friend's body, his hairless chest, the dark nipples standing up from his tanned skin, a hint of ribs at his side and the tight stomach. Downward was a thick patch of black hair just above Joe's cock. It stood firm and hard, thin but quite a bit longer than John expected. Joe slid backward on the bed breaking John from his trance. As Joe leaned back on the pillows John crawled onto the bed and moved between Joe's legs. He reached out and gently touched his friend's cock for the first time. It was odd for him, familiar, but such new territory for him. He knew his way around hard cock, having masturbated for years, but now, running his fingers along the length of Joe's erection, it was all so very different. After a few minutes of simply touching his friend's cock and balls, John slowly began stroking his friend, watching as the pre-cum pooled in the tiny hole. Sticking out his tongue, he touched it to the tip of the cock and licked up the clear fluid. Surprised a bit at the bitter taste, he quickly moved his head forward, opened his mouth, and then closed it over Joe's cock. Joe moaned, whispering, "Oh yes, suck on it. Yes suck hard on the head." Following Joe's instructions, John began sucking on the head of the cock as he continued stroking the shaft with his fingers. John moved his tongue over the head of the cock, watching his friend's face, trying to see his reactions to each thing he did. Wanting to please, he tried to take as much of his friend's erection into his mouth as he could. He caught himself gagging a bit a couple of times as Joe thrust himself upward just as John moved his mouth down, but he quickly got into a rhythm where he didn't take too much into his mouth, and soon it felt just right. Joe really began to respond then, gasping between breaths, "Oh yes, that's good. I'm getting closer." John looked up and saw Joe looking down at him, his eyes glassy, seemingly lost in the sensation when suddenly they heard a key slide into the main door. John let Joe's cock slide out of his mouth as he turned his head and saw the door swing open. Mike stepped in, saying, "Well I got the beer —What the hell?" Still holding Joe's cock in his hand John just looked up at Mike, not sure what he could say. He glanced up at Joe's face but Joe remained silent too as he looked at Mike in what appeared to be sheer bewilderment. John looked back at Mike, opened his mouth and then closed it. How could he explain it, how could he explain how Joe had barged into the bathroom while he was masturbating and then, well... something just happened? John watched as Mike eyes slowly moved over them, starting with Joe's cock, still glistening with saliva, and then moving up Joe's body, finally staring right at Joe's face. Mike's face reddened and as John glanced downward he could see Mike's cock beginning to push out against his pants. Then, as if something inside him snapped, Mike placed the beer on the chair and began pulling of his shirt as if it was the completely natural thing to do. Watching Mike continue to undress John wondered what it was that had so suddenly taken them from best friends to this. Was it something they simply felt all along, something they each longed for as they clowned around, or was it something more? Before he could think about it any more he saw Mike had removed his clothes and was moving toward them. John watched Mike move to the bed, seeing his body in a completely different way than he had seen him before, hungrily seeing his thick, hard cock sway as he walked to the bed, his balls bouncing as he crawled onto the bed up toward Joe's head. John returned his attention to Joe's cock as Mike paused for a moment looking down as John continued sucking on Joe's cock, his hand pumping up and down its long shaft. John then watched as Mike leaned forward, arching his back to let Joe's lips wrap around cock. Still not entirely confident in what he was doing, John tried to regain the rhythm he had just before Mike came in, but felt suddenly awkward. He fumbled around a bit, but then had an idea. He paused a bit and watched what Joe did to Mike, how he worked his hands over his shaft and balls as his head slid up and down over Mike's cock. He watched how Joe's cheeks pulled inward as he sucked his friend, he watched as Joe backed his head away and teased his friend with is tongue, rolling up and around him before sucking him deep into his mouth. After a few minutes John slid Joe's cock back into his mouth and basically did the same to Joe that he saw Joe doing to Mike. Sure enough, after a few minutes of sucking, licking and stroking his friend's cock he could feel an urgency building in Joe's responses. Suddenly John felt his friend lift his hips and try to thrust his cock deeper into his mouth. He responded by stroking Joe's shaft faster and sucking the head harder, running his tongue over it again and again. He was quickly rewarded — he saw Joe move his mouth from Mike's cock as he moaned loudly and came. The warm spurts of cum caught John by surprise and he tried to swallow the thick liquid without spilling any, but by the time Joe's orgasm had subsided, John had some of the white fluid running down his chin. He rested his head on Joe's thigh and watched as Joe returned his attention to Mike's cock, slurping hungrily on it. After a few minutes, Mike suddenly pushed his hips forward and came as Joe swallowed it all without spilling a drop. Only then did John stand up, walk over to the sink, and wipe off his face. John broke from his reverie and glanced at his watch. Joe was fifteen minutes late now, and he began to think Joe might not show. "Maybe he just didn't get my message," John whispered, trying to convince himself there wasn't another reason for Joe not coming to see him. Looking back, he knew that wasn't true. It wasn't until after three o'clock in the morning before the three lovers finally fell asleep, all entwined in each other's bodies on the bed. John woke up about nine the next morning and saw that both Joe and Mike were already gone. He got up, got dressed, and headed out to the beach, where he saw both of them sitting on some lounge chairs not far from the water. John walked up and said, "Good morning," running his fingers through Joe's hair. Joe jerked his head away and said angrily, "Hey, watch the hair. Now I'll have to wash it." Figuring Joe was just sleep-deprived and grumpy, John sat down next to Mike, feeling his leg slightly rub against his friend's. Mike immediately jumped up and ran into the water, diving into a wave and swimming until he was about chest deep. John didn't think anything else about it until he learned that Mike and Joe had decided to check out of the hotel and head back home that day. Well, they did miss the summer rush and the skies were looking a bit cloudy, so John went along and packed up the car. The ride back to Montgomery was very quiet, with Mike sleeping most of the way and Joe driving in silence. Any conversation John tried to initiate was quickly rebuffed with Joe's short replies. When they finally reached the school and John unloaded his stuff, he had to ask, "Guys, what is going on here?" "What do you mean? Nothing's going on." "But something happened, something very important . . ." John started to say. "Nothing happened, John, nothing at all," Joe replied. "Something happened to me, we . . ." "Don't pull Mike and me into this thing. Maybe something happened to you, it would happen to you, but nothing — understand me, nothing happened to us," Joe said, pointing at Mike and himself. "But—" "Look, I've always thought you were strange around girls, now I know why," Mike interrupted. "But it was Joe—" "It was nothing!" Joe shouted, climbing into his car. John tried to say something more, but Joe started the car and was revving the engine. John just stood and watched as the car backed out and then sped away, the tires squealing and smoking as they left. That was the last time he talked to his friends. In the twenty-eight or so years that followed, John learned that both did go on to get married and lead regular lives. Mike moved up north, and Joe pretty much stayed in Montgomery. Now John, on a business trip in Montgomery, glanced at his watch and saw that it was thirty-five minutes past the time he had asked Joe to meet him. He pulled out his wallet and paid his bill. Just as he was standing up from the table, he noticed the glass entry door to the restaurant swing open and in stepped a tall, thin man with short but nicely groomed hair. The hair was dark with a white streak at the front and very distinguished graying along the temples. John watched as the man spotted a mirror and checked himself out before looking over the restaurant. "John," he called out, waving. John stepped forward and held out his hand, "Hi, Joe. I was afraid I might not recognize you." "Yeah, it's the hair, I've been wearing it short lately. My wife says it makes me look dignified." "Your hair is great as usual," John said as they moved to the table and sat down. "It's been a long time, John," Joe said. "Too long, Joe, it's been too long." Joe looked at John and nodded. "Yes, too long," he said.
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