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"A really useful material, which..."

German pharmacologists produced a material during their researches more than 10 years ago, which has helped since then hundreds of cancer patients to recover from their disease incomprehensibly for a lot of doctors. My cousin was one of these persons. The active ingredient of the material is L-glutathione, from which I have not heard anything previously, but meanwhile I realized that it plays a central role in the life of the cells. We can take L-glutathione orally but unfortunately the greater part of it disintegrates in the human intestinal tract so it can not get to the cells in its pure form. This problem was solved by the above mentioned German researchers, who have developed a simple but great method to make possible the oral taking of L-gluthatione. About details you can read hereafter.

What is glutathione (GSH)?

L-glutathione can be found practically in every living cells. It has general redox functions, reacts with free radicals as antioxidant, protects the cells againts radioactive and UV-radiation, viral infenctions, toxins of environment, heavy metals and oxidative stress. Glutathione plays an important role in the detoxicating processes because it is able to bind to toxins (heavy metals, pesticides…) and transform them into a form that can evacuate with the urine and gall. Beyond that GSH is a cofactor or substrate of numerous enzymes, regulates the cycle and metabolism of cells. L-glutathion and its certain derivatives such as S-methylglutathione and glutathione-sulfonacid can be found among the endogenous compounds of brain tissue. L-gluthatione is produced naturally in the liver and it helps inside the cells the redox processes of other antioxidant molecules, such as vitamin C and vitamin E.

Effects of glutathione:

According to certain researches the increased ingestion of glutathione by eating friut and vegetables is in connection with the protection against certain types of cancerous diseases. Also scientific investigations verify that the state of health of elderly people is better in case of a larger concentration of glutathione. Glutathione applied intramuscular and intravenous turned out to be effective in prevention of thrombus formation during operations, in reduction of side effects of chemotherapy materials, in the increase of their effectiveness, dominantly in case of cisplatin. It showed good effects in the treatment of Parkinson disease, in decrease of high blood pressure of patients suffering from diabetes, and in the increase of number of sperms. Use of glutathione in nasal spray has resulted an easing in the symptoms of chronic rhinitis.

Glutatione sources, dosage:

Glutathione can be found in fresh and frozen fruit, in vegetables, fish and meat. Asparagus, avocado and (wal)nut contains extraordinarily big quantity of glutathione. Human stomach and intestines contains in major quantity gamma-glutamiltranspeptidase, which decomposes glutathione. Because of this only a small part of orally administered glutathione can reach the cells. This problem was solved by German researchers, as it was mentioned above, who have developed a glutathione source, which does not disintegrate in the human intestinal tube and can reach the cells. This material can be found in Hungary only in the product GLUTA-SC ( I can recommend this product to everyone because of its advantageous composition and moderate price (without personal interests). 

Lack of glutathione can be caused by diseases during which the requirement of glutathione increases and which hinders the synthesis of glutathione. Some examples of diseases which are in connection with the deficiency of glutathione: diabetes, liver diseases, cataract, HIV infection, cancerous diseases, lung fibrosis of unknown origin. Smoking can also cause deficiency, because increases the use of glutathione. Every woman suffering from ovarin cancer and beeing treated with cisplatin, and patients having sure deficiency of glutathione should consalt a health specialist on supplying glutathione.

-HIV infection: HIV infection and sequelae feature systemic GSH depletion. Oxidative stress is elevated at all stages of HIV disease; HIV infection lowers GSH in the plasma, erythrocytes, T-cells and other lymphocytes, and monocytes. Children with HIV also demonstrate low plasma GSH. HIV depletion of lung epithelial lining fluid (ELF) glutathione may predispose to opportunistic infections, and the ELF may be repleted using aerosolized GSH.
-Liver diseases: Plasma and erythrocyte GSH can be low in patients with cirrhosis or result from acute or chronic alcohol intake. Viral hepatitis can deplete GSH, and in hepatitis C patients monocyte GSH has been found to be depleted.
-Lung diseases: GSH deficiency has been linked to various pulmonary diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), neonatal lung damage, and asthma.
-Chron disease, gastrointestinal inflammation: Gastric mucosa of aged subjects can have low GSH, as can patients with gastritis and/or duodenal ulcer linked to Helicobacter pylori infection. In Crohn's disease cases the affected ileal zones were found to have low GSH and high GSSG, and GSH enzymes were altered.
-Circulation: Acute myocardial infarction patients and men with familial coronary artery disease exhibit lowered GSH. Lowered GSH level was detected in case of diabetes, pancreatic inflammation, metal intoxication too.
-Central nervous system: In case of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases can often be detected abnormally low GSH level.
The critical GSH level is the 70-80% of the normal. This quantity of GSH can result the death of cells.
-Ageing: The quantity of GSH in plasma is smaller, the quantity of GSSG is bigger late in life. On the basis of several examinations it can be laid down as a fact that in case of bigger GSH quantity the state of health of elderly people is better.

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