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Datum: 05.12.2011
Spiel / Team: Players from K.E.M.
Gegner: w.I.w - / w.I.w -
Liga: [Match Link]
Maps: de_dust2
Map Ergebnis
de_dust2 15 : 15
totales Ergebnis 15 : 15
MyClan Team: kevo., Kenyerpowa1992, Boda, BENGA, MustanG
w.I.w - Team: w.I.w -
Screenshots: Keine Screenshots vorhanden


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#121 von Florene 03.12.2015 - 09:35
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Some splendid photos. Impressive colours. -

#122 von Hayley 04.12.2015 - 10:44
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What kind of camera is that? That is definitely a great superior quality.


#123 von Petra 04.12.2015 - 11:10
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Just considered several of your images (: i'm really glad i reached task darkness you.

You're wonderful! - jump higher

#124 von Alexandra 08.12.2015 - 08:10
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Adored the photos, i really like the among this image, perfect.

#125 von Kara 09.12.2015 - 00:39
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#126 von Logan 09.12.2015 - 01:54
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Your images look excellent !!! -

#127 von MichDieway 04.01.2016 - 16:15
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#128 von Delila 18.01.2016 - 23:08
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Adored the photos, i truly like the one of this image, perfect.
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#129 von Jamika 19.01.2016 - 11:02
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This is a beautiful photo with very good light ;-) - love problems

#130 von Rafafauck 28.01.2016 - 03:12
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#131 von Charlotte 05.02.2016 - 10:03
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#133 von Dianna 06.02.2016 - 23:57
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That is a beautiful picture with very good lighting :o

#134 von Willmoke 10.02.2016 - 03:37
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#135 von Gavin 10.02.2016 - 05:33
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I favour the different shades.

#136 von Francis 10.02.2016 - 08:48
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very terrific snapshots!

#137 von Lidia 10.02.2016 - 23:10
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Liked the images, i truly like the one of this image, perfect.
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#138 von Melvsids 12.02.2016 - 08:47
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#139 von Kacey 12.02.2016 - 10:05
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Great photos, the colour and depth of the images are breath-taking, they draw you in as though you belong of the make-up.
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#140 von Leland 13.02.2016 - 11:34
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What kind of digicam was used? That is certainly a decent top quality.

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CupSeries Cup
Players from K.E.M. vs .PE - 1:2
Players from K.E.M. vs .WoP. - 16:6
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Players from K.E.M. vs .EnjoY ~ - 16:0
Players from K.E.M. vs .w.I.w - - 16:12

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