Never ever use colorgcc if you are using buildroot, openembedded or... 

Or anything else what is modifying somehow the output of the GCC.
Otherwise you will suck like a gluttonous badger* like I did.

A.k.a torkos borz in hungarian.
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Running EAGLE 5.91.1 under Ubuntu 

A few libraries had been left from the new V6 Beta package, so installing it on nonSuse Linux Distributions could be a bit painful.

To install the missing stuff manually follow the steps below:

Download the beta package from here:

Extract the contents from the installer by running:

sed -e '1,/^__DATA__$/d' > eagle-lin-5.91.1-beta.tar.bz2

Then untar the archive wherever you would like to (to /opt for e.g.):

tar -xvjf eagle-lin-5.91.1-beta.tar.bz2

Then download the dependendant libraries which are not present neither in the installer nor in the distribution provided packages:

Extract the files to the eagle bin dir.

To run the program set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to contain the directory containing the libraries extracted above.

[ 1 hozzászólás ] ( 22 megtekintés ) [ 0 trackbackek ] permalink ( 3 / 1346 )
Kundo Electronic clock PCB reveng 

My friend recently bought a Kudo Electronic switched pendulum clock from the ebay. After the receievment he had notified that the clock did not working. The problem was caused by the melted batteries. The acid and other chemicals had corroded the switching PCB, make it totally unrecoverable.

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Altera USBBlaster udev rule for urjtag 

If you want to use your Altera USBBlaster with urjtag without root privileges you should add the following to the
/etc/udev/rules.d/52-altera-usb.rules files.

# USB-Blaster
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="09fb", ATTRS{idProduct}=="6001", MODE="0666"

Credits goes to turul64
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Hacking the Pinnacle Showcenter SC1000 

I have recently got a Pinnacle Showcenter SC1000 as a gift from one of my friends.

The peripherials made me intrested, so I have disassembled it to check the internals:

It features the following stuff:
- Sigma Designs EM8551 Soc (datasheet here)
- RJ45 ethernet connector powered by an Davicom DM9000E
- 2 * 8 MB RAM ARC4X16S4K3VF-55
- 2 * 2 MB Flash AM29LV160DB
- 8 MB RAM dedicated for the MPEG codec
- wide range of video output connectors (SCART, SVideo) unfortunatelly nothigng high definition
- PCMCIA slot
- an unpopulated IDE connector
- two fully featured unpopulated serial ports
- and an unpopulated 20 pin header. At first I would bet that it is a JTAG connector, but it isn't.

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