Ezért ne rakd sose a botmixer adaptert mosogatógépbe 

A napkerék fogaskerekei sajnos elolvadtak a tengelyeknél..

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DRC320SH-7H800A motor details 

It took me a while to find a proper replacement motor (identical to the original) for a front brush of a Sencor SRV4250 hoover. Motor gearbox nr. BL500-T2

No load current consumption at 12V: 15 mA
No load current consumption installed into the greased gearbox 12V: 25 mA
Stall current: 190 mA @ 12V

Outer diameter: 32 mm
Shell length: 18 mm
Shaft diameter: 2 mm
Shaft length: 9,5 mm

If you need one in Hungary drop me a message I have some for sale.

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UX-52 VFD frequency controller teardown images 

I bought one and opened up, to save you from doing that :D.

tldr: no H bridge, no frequency modulation, just the oldschool phase dimming circuit with a Triac.

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QTableView scrollToBottom anomaly 

Never call QTableView::scrolltoBottom from slots connected to the model's rowsInserted signal because as the rows added they will start to appear partially:

Connect your slots to the QTableView::verticalScrollBar's rangeChanged signal

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Dewalt N599252 teardown 

Got a broken Dewalt DCG414 angle grinder to look for the issue.

It has a 54V BLDC motor with builtin ESC mfr P/N: N599252.
The only option is to buy the ESC with the motor and the trigger circuit for ~180 GBP...

I removed the ESC from the motor. The ESC is potted with some PUR resin, so I started to carefully remove it.

It turned out that the low side MOSFETs were blown.

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