A few things what I setup when I create a new Qt Widget project 

1.Add the folowing to pro file:

MOC_DIR = build
UI_DIR = build


and the binaries won't mess up your sorce code directory

2. Make the following modifications in the main.cpp:

#include <QtGui/QApplication>
#include <QtCore/QTextCodec>
#include "mainwindow.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

QCoreApplication::setApplicationName("Mikrotik data miner";);

QApplication a(argc, argv);
MainWindow w;
return a.exec();

The QTextCodec trick is neccessary because the sourcecode is UTF-8 encoded, and if I want to put a string from the code to somewhere I would need to use QString::fromUtf8(). If you do not believe check a generated ui_*.h file.

Always give set the name to your application and the application domain. This is useful when you are using QSettings, you do not need to give constructor arguments when creating a settings object. The settings object constructed in this way always use a separate data area specified by the platform. (.config/QCodeApplication::applicationDomain/QCoreApplication:applicationName.ini on Linux and registry on Windows)

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I/O error while opening /de/ttyS0 on Dell D630 

I have recently tried to breathe life to the serial port of my DELL D630 notebook under Ubuntu Natty, but the opening always failed with I/O error.

I have tried the relevant acpi=off, pnpacpi=off kernel parameters, updated the BIOS, but these thigns did not lead to succes. As final trying I have switched the port from COM1 to COM2 int the BIOS and finally it became available as /dev/ttyS1

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Lattice ispVM under Ubuntu 11.04 with USB download cable 

I have tried to use the Lattice ispVM under Ubuntu 11.04, with the Lattice USB download cable, but I have to run it as root, even after adding the udev rules mentioned in the FAQ.

After some strace analyzing I have figured out that it is trying to open the /dev/bus/usb/{roothub}/{devide} nodes. Since then the download cable's node was read only it failed.

I have written the following udev rule to the /etc/udev/rules.d/51-lattice.rules file inspired by my AVR doper's rule:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION=="add", ATTR{idVendor}=="1134", ATTR{idProduct}=="8001", MODE="0666"

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Debugging UrJTAG with GDB 

The UrJTAG uses a libtool wrapper for starting, so debugging with GDB is a bit tricky.

You should debug the src/apps/jtag/.libs/lt-jtag binary.
But it does not appears right after building it, the wrapper script creates it if not exists.
So ran ./src/apps/jtag/jtag first.

Figuring out taken me some time, I hope it will helps someone.

So execute

gdb ./src/apps/jtag/.libs/lt-jtag

in the trunk and enjoy debugging ;).
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Using Microchip MCC18 compiler using GNU make 

Recently I had a project which was based on a 18F series PIC.
According to the "The well known ecosystem improves the productivity" motto I have decided to do the development on my Linux box.

After a while I have noticed that there are not any usable enviroment for 18F development on Linux. I have tried the MPLAB on windows too, but the "ignore all well known gui actions (doubleclick on code makes breakpoint for e.g.)" idiot behaviour driven me crazy. The Piklab is an unstable stuff, the MPLAB X is a java based slow bullshit, which does not supports ICD2, Piklab2.

I have decided to setup an enviroment using GNU make. The Makefile below can be used with the Linux version of MCC18 compiler.

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