Retro: ASUS mimic CX200 JTAG hacking 

Back in my university years I have had some issues with an Asus MIMIC CX200 camera. One of them got broken after a firmware upgrade so I have decided to fix it with JTAG. I have successfully got to UrJTAG to read the IDCODE of the S3C4510B, but I was unable to detect the flash. Now I know that I have had to tweak the bus driver and reveng the board a bit.

Here are some pics (shot with my Nokia 6230 in VGA res) about the trick:

Thin albanian wires were soldered directly to the pins.

Live together cry together series 100 Ohm level shifter JTAG adapter to LPT port.

I have designed an addon board to expose the CPU's intresting interfaces (2 serial, USB, JTAG)

It is fun to look back to those pictures from now. After 5 years we got to a state when it is easier and cheaper to buy a Rpi to solve the same problem rather than fixing that board...
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How to make the QtCreator to not build the project when typing '{' with hungarian layout @ Windows 

The Hungarian layout uses the AltGr+B combination for the { character.
It is a little bit annoying to get the project built every time.
To turn off this shortcut:

Go to Tools > Options > Enviroment >Keyboard tab > Qt4Builder section > Build file.
And clear the shortcut.

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Building QCA (Qt cryptographic architecture) library on Ubuntu 13.10 with Qt5 

I have tried to build the QCA library from the KDE git repository (git clone git:// with Qt5. (The Ubuntu 13.10 distribution ships only QCA built with Qt4 in the repositories).

The cmake failed with:

CMake Error in CMakeLists.txt:
Imported target "Qt5::Core" includes non-existent path


in its INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES. Possible reasons include:

* The path was deleted, renamed, or moved to another location.

* An install or uninstall procedure did not complete successfully.

* The installation package was faulty and references files it does not

The solution was creating a symlink from the mkspecs:

sudo ln -s /usr/share/qt5/mkspecs/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/

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Setter/getter method generator for Qt/C++ 

I have ditched together a small form in PHP to generate the setter getter methods for private members:
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Geovision GV-800(S) under Linux 

One of my friends asked me to get working a Geovision GV-800(S) DVR card with zoneminder.
According to the google results several people succeed with this subject. For e.g.:
http://siripong-computer-tips.blogspot. ... linux.html

I have installed a n Ubuntu 12.04 server, and the necessary packages. This distribution shuiips with a relatively new kernel (3.5.0) which means that the necessary bttv modules were included fine. The device had shown up fine: I had 4 v4l2 devices with 4 channels per each (Composite0-4). I have added these channels as sources to the Zoneminder but I have not been able to get image from them. After several trials I have installed XFCE and XAWTV. I have not been able to get image with that tool too, and at the channel changes I got I/O errors and the software claimed about invalid framebuffer address on startup.

As final trying I have installed a Windows XP to the box, and installed the Geovision software. The device had shown up in the device manager fine, but there were a yellow exclamation points next to the devices with Device cannot started message. I have seen that card working in different computer.

As a last trial we have decided to try to upgrade the BIOS, and that solved the problem.
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