Guidelines, objectives…

In situ behavior of constructions is the display of physical and chemical transformations they go through in the process of interaction with the environment - natural and technology - and it can be characterized by different performances and conditioned by the emergence and development of behavioral phenomena and the measurements that accompany them.

The monitoring of in situ behavior of constructions is made by means of observation and aims to access their ability to operate and measures to maintain or restore them.

Topics of interest:

- Interaction of constructions with the environment [actions, effects, environmental aspects]
- Construction pathology [faults, impairment, accidents, damage]
- Monitoring in situ behavior of constructions [watching behavior and interventions on buildings]
- Environmental protection [working with nature, possible compromises, green buildings]
- Theorizing, legislation, recommendations

The Congress of civil engineers from Carpathian Euroregion aims to highlight the role of knowing the in situ behavior of constructions by attracting and catalyzing the technical and engineering potential in this area of Central Europe in order to nesure progress by using it as a source of inspiration and a check point for nay innovation and invertion, from a cross-border standpoint, in the field of civil engineering and environmemtal protection.

The congress refers to the behavior of all types of constructions and is addressed to all professionals busy or concerned of constructions.

General programme of the congress

Thursday, 18 October 2012:

  • arrival
  • check-in
  • accommodation

Friday, 19 October 2012:

  • registration
  • congress opening
  • plenary session
  • technical sessions
  • lunch
  • technical sessions
  • congress banquet

Saturday, 20 October 2012:

  • one-day techniacl field trip in Apuseni Mountains to hydrotechnical and hydropower constructions

Sunday, 21 October 2012:

  • breakfast
  • departure for home

Working sections of the congress

Section Nr. Title
1 civil, industrial and agro-zootechnical buildings
2 construction of transport ways - roads, bridges, railways
3 hydrotechnical constructions
4 environmental protection

Download the important data

  • Detailed program of congress (PDF 424kB)

  • Participants (PDF 58kB)

  • The approach of the location (PDF 1,5MB)

Official language

Official languages: Romanian, Hungarian, Russian and English. Most lectures in Hungarian and Romanian. Interpretation will be the CCIR FM band, which you can get to the receiver.