Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Get a list of registered files and their extensions
How to use TCollection and TCollectionItem
CDO Emulation of VBasic value NOTHING
How to fix the color and drop shadow glitches in the TActionMainMenuBar component
Word wrapped TButton


Listázott cikkek: 1450-1500
Article Title
480 How to fix the MDI close button and window menu glitches (Views: 35)
876 How to flip a bitmap (fast) (Views: 34)
943 How to flip the characters in a string (Views: 34)
2014 How to flip, rotate and mirror bitmaps (Views: 30)
942 How to force a form to stay iconized (Views: 31)
2205 How to force a TListBox to set a horizontol scrollbar if an entry is being cropped (Views: 34)
2178 How to force an overlapped or minimized window to the top (Views: 44)
335 How to force IExplorer to re-read registry settings (Views: 29)
798 How to form a DDE link with a Netscape browser (Views: 32)
1869 How to format the cell borders of an Excel spreadsheet (Views: 32)
247 How to free a component in a message handler (Views: 32)
1970 How to generate a circle through three points (Views: 37)
1765 How to generate a temporary file name (Views: 32)
425 How to generate a wave file and play it backwards (Views: 35)
1276 How to generate coherent noise (Views: 31)
1935 How to get a list of all available Truetype fonts (Views: 34)
1133 How to get a list of all current users from the BDE (Views: 32)
1671 How to get a list of all data-aware controls linked to a given TDataSource (Views: 32)
1916 How to get a list of all network adapters of a PC (Views: 34)
2084 How to get a list of all published methods for a given class (Views: 31)
1638 How to get a list of all registered typelibs (Views: 32)
98 How to get a list of all subdirectories in the current folder (Views: 32)
1155 How to get a list of all table names in a database (Views: 32)
1966 How to get a list of all windows on the Desktop and their handles (Views: 29)
1539 How to get a list of Parallel ports on a PC (Views: 36)
1137 How to get a list of subdirectories and files in a folder (Views: 34)
2110 How to get a list of the applications that will appear on the Windows Taskbar (Views: 31)
2030 How to get a range of text from a TRichEdit without setting a selection (Views: 34)
1333 How to get a zoomed preview of a full-size TScrollBox (Views: 31)
788 How to get and set the DPI in a TBitmap (Views: 46)
883 How to get and set the volume on a wave device (Views: 30)
2175 How to get BIOS information? (Views: 33)
459 How to get data from a file without reading it into memory (Views: 34)
2082 How to get detailed information about the Windows taskbar programmatically (Views: 30)
2049 How to get runtime properties of a component at runtime (Views: 35)
1034 How to get the amount of installed RAM (Views: 32)
1844 How to get the bitmap on a hidden TWinControl (Views: 32)
1056 How to get the control identifier of Windows dialogs (Views: 30)
1175 How to get the current row and column of a cursor in a TRichEdit (Views: 28)
378 How to get the drive letter of a CD-ROM drive (Views: 30)
1394 How to get the file name (and directory) of a file in the clipboard (Views: 36)
1518 How to get the first visible line in a TRichEdit (Views: 38)
354 How to get the font family when the user selects a font (Views: 32)
864 How to get the font of the active title bar (Views: 30)
467 How to get the font settings as defined in the Windows display properties (Views: 34)
1398 How to get the free system resources (Views: 30)
2018 How to get the handle of the edit box in the Internet Explorer (Views: 35)
931 How to get the HTML code for the parent of an ActiveX form (Views: 33)
546 How to get the Icon of a CD-ROM (Views: 34)
1845 How to get the icon of a window for which you know the handle (Views: 32)

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