Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Select or find a TTreeView node by caption
How to determine the size of an executable from its exe header
Get special Windows folder location (2)
How to flip a bitmap (fast)
Navigate a TPageControl using Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-Shift-Tab if several pagecontrols are on a form


Listázott cikkek: 1500-1550
Article Title
1570 How to get the image size of a JPG, GIF and PNG image file (Views: 28)
409 How to get the IP address for a given URL string and the URL string for a given IP address (Views: 31)
1422 How to get the names, ID's and sizes for paper formats and bins supported by a printer (Views: 30)
1974 How to get the number of colours of a bitmap (Views: 27)
1866 How to get the number of files in a folder (Views: 30)
2153 How to get the number of matches when searching a string (Views: 31)
970 How to get the physical caret position in a TMemo, TEdit or TRichEdit (Views: 33)
530 How to get the PopupPoint of a TPopupMenu (Views: 28)
906 How to get the position of the Windows Taskbar (Views: 30)
270 How to get the printer margins (Views: 28)
1269 How to get the printer port name (Views: 28)
1141 How to get the process ID's of all running programs (Views: 28)
1496 How to get the RGB value of a pixel under the mouse cursor (Views: 30)
733 How to get the scan code of keyboards (Views: 30)
707 How to get the scrollbar positon in a RichEdit control (Views: 31)
1886 How to get the size of a text file without opening it (Views: 29)
1462 How to get the system's colour palette (Views: 28)
1690 How to get the text width and height in a TRichEdit (Views: 29)
1072 How to get the text width in pixels when a component doesn't have a canvas (Views: 29)
1078 How to get the text width of a TControl in pixels (Views: 28)
1019 How to get the TMediaPlayer to show the first frame of an AVI file (Views: 28)
964 How to get the virtual series number of an audio CD (Views: 28)
475 How to get the width and height of a MDI child form while dragging (Views: 30)
1609 How to get the Word version on a client PC (Views: 32)
560 How to get the X- and Y-coordinates of Desktop icons (Views: 28)
926 How to get track information from an Audio CD (Views: 29)
778 How to get TRichEdit to use the RichEd20.dll (Views: 29)
170 How to get unique ItemIndexes across multiple TRadioGroups (Views: 27)
537 How to get Windows uptime? (Views: 29)
588 How to get workgroup/domain name under NT4/2k/XP (Views: 30)
57 How to give a MDI application a 3D frame (Views: 31)
1521 How to give the scrollbars of a TRichEdit a flat look (Views: 29)
2152 How to grey-out enabled or disabled data-aware controls (Views: 32)
796 How to handle bitmap layers (Views: 29)
981 How to handle multiple, simultaneous key presses (Views: 30)
726 How to have MessageDlg() play the corresponding sound (Views: 29)
119 How to hide a program from Windows (Views: 28)
217 How to hide and show icons on the Windows Desktop (Views: 28)
1494 How to hide MDI child forms (Views: 31)
1694 How to hide the caret in a TEdit (Views: 28)
231 How to hide the font size list in a TFontDialog (Views: 28)
1508 How to hide the scrollbars of a MDI child form (Views: 36)
941 How to hide the seconds in a TDateTimePicker (Views: 29)
1142 How to highlight a TBitmap with a color overlay (Views: 32)
958 How to highlight alternate rows in a TListView (Views: 32)
1442 How to hook into Windows' built-in screenshot function (Views: 30)
952 How to identify detail tables linked to a master table (Views: 29)
1482 How to identify detail tables linked to a master table (Views: 28)
443 How to identify the paper names of the active printer (Views: 29)
2016 How to implement a 'Lasso' (Views: 32)

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