Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to get the amount of installed RAM
How to get and set the DPI in a TBitmap
Creating threads straight from the WinAPI
Reconnecting to network shares with the help of a Component.
Storing color values in the registry/INI files


Listázott cikkek: 2050-2100
Article Title
595 Kwow if a date is end of month (Views: 28)
1759 Language for MS Office (Views: 27)
1130 Large DSM files - can they be truncated? (Views: 27)
1433 Launch a Windows open file dialog without using the standard Delphi dialog component (Views: 28)
1993 Launching a Program at Windows Startup (Views: 27)
199 Least squares line fitting in Delphi (Views: 27)
278 Let them drag and drop files on your program (Views: 27)
2287 Limit the form position to the screen's work area (Views: 28)
2229 Link Label Component (Views: 28)
610 List all app's ctrls & menus in a TTreeView (Views: 27)
1705 List all User Identities in a ComboBox (Views: 27)
1744 List of all ALIASES pointing to a SQL server (Views: 27)
470 List of all virtual key values (Views: 27)
955 List of Exceptions (Views: 28)
723 List Template In Delphi (Views: 27)
1143 ListBox.Items.Add is slow and flickers (Views: 27)
1574 Load a bitmap and palette from a resource file (Views: 27)
2718 Load a JPG in a TImage, preserving the aspect ratio (Views: 27)
2505 Load a stream containing HTML code into a TWebBrowser (Views: 34)
1001 Load a Unicode file into a TMemo (Views: 27)
64 Load and read a shortcut to see where it points to (Views: 28)
690 Load and save a TStringGrid from/ to a stream (Views: 27)
1288 Load DOS text in a RichEdit (Views: 27)
1973 Load TWebBrowser's document content from stream or string (Views: 27)
1195 Loading an exe in a memo field (Views: 27)
2042 Local Routines or Nested Routines (Views: 27)
1722 Locate on a non-indexed field in a TTable (Views: 27)
2642 Lock a CD-ROM drive (Views: 27)
1140 Lock floppy drive functions (Views: 27)
972 Logon and Impersonate another NT User Account (NT/2000 Only) (Views: 27)
533 LogonUser() Win API call vs SSPI call (Views: 28)
419 Long file names - short file names (Views: 27)
1377 Looking for text in any part of a field (Views: 27)
2582 Loop through frames of a TWebBrowser (Views: 27)
444 LotusNotes and Delphi: Scaning Personal Address Book (Views: 27)
1323 Make a component execute a procedure every time the main form is activated (Views: 27)
2744 make a flickerless animation using CopyRect (Views: 27)
1626 Make a form snap to the border of the screen (Views: 27)
1545 Make a form use two frames in separate units (Views: 27)
920 Make a new DBLookupComboBox-Component with OnChange-Event (Views: 29)
1851 Make a program only run once per Windows session (Views: 28)
1516 Make a single cell in a TStringGrid readonly (Views: 27)
2741 Make a TActionMainMenuBar on a secondary form work correctly (Views: 27)
1050 Make a TPanel look like the title bar of a window (Views: 27)
1156 Make a window system modal (Views: 27)
1711 Make a Word document read-only when opend in a TOleContainer (Views: 27)
2536 Make Application.ExeName work in DLLs (Views: 27)
2040 Make hints stay up longer (Views: 28)
2239 Make move your forms like WinAMP (Views: 27)
2011 Make my program open a file specified as a command line parameter? (Views: 28)

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