Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

How to check file and directory attributes
How to check if a string contains accented characters
Download file from internet
Utility to Generate the Stored procedures and views of a SQL Database
How to check if a particular button on a TDBNavigator is enabled


Listázott cikkek: 200-250
Article Title
2083 Call another form and return multiple values (Views: 709)
1900 Call another help file from your application (Views: 714)
1005 Call CopyFileEx and let the callback update a progress bar (Views: 703)
293 Call the menu items of the Windows Start Menu programmatically (Views: 710)
2708 Callback function with a DLL (Views: 767)
2733 Calling a C++ DLL which exports a class (Views: 723)
2248 Calling conventions and DLLs (Views: 710)
1068 Can I build "Query By Form" applications using Delphi? (Views: 704)
846 Can your video handle 16, 256, 32768, 16777216, or more colors (Views: 706)
738 Cancel that wrong drag operation (Views: 707)
1039 Cannot access package information for package (Views: 706)
1649 Cannot single step into VCL source code anymore (Views: 701)
2019 Capture text from another non-Delphi application window (Views: 831)
1563 Capturing all of the Output from a Console application (16 bit) (Views: 713)
224 Capturing all of the Output from a Console application (32 bit) (Views: 711)
1560 Capturing keyboard messages at application level (Views: 716)
2666 Case statement that *accepts* string values (Views: 707)
547 Catch the TPageControl.HotTrack event (Views: 708)
1073 Catching ALL mouse events (Views: 703)
2065 Catching Browsers URLs with DDE (Views: 702)
331 Categories in the Object Inspector (Views: 705)
978 CD Manufacturing (Views: 712)
790 CDO Emulation of VBasic value NOTHING (Views: 709)
992 CDROM notification (CDROM inserted or ejected) (Views: 707)
163 Center a Form efficiently (Views: 711)
1111 Center the Windows "Browse for folder" directory picker on screen (Views: 706)
2278 Certificate basics (Views: 705)
1612 Change a form's caption font and alignment (Views: 706)
1647 Change a form's caption font and alignment (2) (Views: 709)
1714 Change all hyperlinks in a Winword document (Views: 713)
1212 Change an ISAPI dll project to a CGI project, or vice-versa (Views: 705)
2414 Change character set of printer's font (Views: 703)
2609 Change font color, size, style, and back color of certain words inside a rich edit (Views: 715)
1326 Change fonts between columns in a TStringGrid (Views: 707)
2050 Change fonts between columns in a TStringGrid (2) (Views: 713)
2250 Change keys pressed in a TMemo (Views: 704)
1788 Change the alignment for TEdit (Views: 709)
1752 Change the border color of a TPanel (Views: 801)
437 Change the cell of a TStringGrid into a button (Views: 705)
2690 Change the color of a disabled TEdit (Views: 710)
1129 Change the color of a specific subitem in a TListView (Views: 787)
2730 Change the color of a TOleContainer (Views: 706)
114 Change the color of the tabs on a PageControl (Views: 708)
987 Change the default printer in Windows (Views: 707)
2327 Change the desktop wallpaper through code (Views: 720)
441 Change the file name in a TSaveDialog when the user selects a different file type (Views: 717)
761 Change the font color of a specific row in a TListView (Views: 710)
329 Change the font of all controls on a form at runtime (Views: 705)
2038 Change the font properties of a certain row or column in a TStringGrid (Views: 707)
60 Change the hint display delay (Views: 716)

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