Articles number: 2748

5 Random Articles

Shift, Ctrl, Alt Key checking
How to check when a screen saver has been invoked
How to save and load a TList with records and TStrings objects
How to use SQL in combination with a TCheckListBox
How to split a string when the substrings are separated by more than one space character


Listázott cikkek: 2500-2550
Article Title
1480 Simultaneous 16- and 32bit-Development (Views: 30)
2236 Smart threads with a central management (Views: 31)
2508 SmartThreadLib example: Using blocking Indy sockets in a thread (Views: 29)
2097 Snap a form to another one and move both around (Views: 32)
1608 Solving some problems of the TRichEdit component (Views: 30)
890 Some remarks on working with very large images (Views: 31)
1940 Some useful date calculation routines (Views: 32)
1514 Some useful Windows NT functions (Views: 32)
1907 Something missing about packages (Views: 28)
1378 Sort a TListView by numerical values (Views: 29)
432 Sort a TListView on a column header click (Views: 31)
2027 Sort a TStringGrid using the Bubblesort algorithm (Views: 30)
916 Sort a TTreeView so that it displays folders first and files second (Views: 33)
782 Sort list items of a TListView with integer values as captions (Views: 31)
422 Sort Order of Internet Explorer Favorites (Views: 29)
1412 Sort rows in a TStringGrid (Views: 30)
1772 Sort TListView columns by date or time (Views: 34)
1597 Sorting a TListView by the column clicked by the user (Views: 34)
898 Sorting a TListView by the first or any arbitrary column (Views: 51)
1691 Sorting aTable Using DBISortTable (Views: 32)
1910 Soundex function (Views: 29)
752 Sparse array implementation using TStringlist (Views: 32)
1379 Specifing authentication details & Impersonating a user for use on an Interface(Proxy) call (Client Side) (Views: 28)
2346 Speech Part 1 - How to Add "Text to Speech" (Speech Synthesis) to your Delphi Apps (Views: 29)
2380 Speech Part 2 - How to Add Simple Dictation speech recognition to your Delphi Apps (Views: 44)
94 Speed up some queries on my Microsoft SQL Server (Views: 31)
1021 Speeding up compilation/ linking process (Views: 32)
49 Split and freeze rows and columns in Excel (Views: 30)
1438 Splitting a string in a string list (Views: 31)
1330 Splitting a string in an dynamic array (Views: 31)
1632 Splitting Files (Small Code & Blazing Fast) (Views: 32)
2419 SQL monitor magic (Views: 54)
1707 Sql Server External Stored Procedures in Delphi (Views: 29)
107 SQL Server Security Setting (Views: 28)
574 SQL Super INSERT/UPDATE Macro Class (Views: 30)
1273 SQL-DMO part 1: The SQL-DMO API (Views: 53)
2345 Stack Overflow error (Views: 31)
1165 Standard RichEdit component and URL highlighting/navigation (Views: 32)
1498 Starting and stopping Windows services (Views: 31)
1832 Starting Delphi without a project (Views: 30)
2457 StatusBar: any number of panels and use the same procedure to update (Views: 32)
1930 Store the HTML source code of a TWebBrowser document into a string (Views: 29)
1267 Storing color values in the registry/INI files (Views: 31)
2208 Storing Font information in the registry - with one key only (Views: 29)
2343 Storing Vlaues to the DFM files during design Time (Views: 30)
472 Stream forms to and from disk (Views: 29)
1544 Streaming COM Objects as XML (Views: 34)
1678 Streaming Components (Views: 35)
2634 String Grid to HTML file (Views: 29)
461 String Pattern Matching - Improved & Extended (Views: 30)

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